Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Finally pregnant after years of trying

By Babylove Network | July 6, 2021

Ruth Dembah has been married for three years. Aged 30, she is a first time mum who has waited for a baby throughout her marriage. She shared her story with Rebecca Njoki. How did you discover that you were pregnant? I expected to be pregnant. My husband and I had been trying but we had…

Sweet dreams for you and your baby

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

Many moms and dads worry about their baby’s sleeping habits. How much sleep is necessary? Is too much sleep unhealthy? How can I help my baby, and myself, sleep better? Getting baby to sleep is often a parents’ biggest challenge Your baby’s sleep patterns can shape your experience of parenthood. How much and how often your newborn,…

Coping with a Stillbirth – Rhoda’s experience

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

LAST year I lost my first baby when I was eight months pregnant. It all started with very many complications. I bled during the first three months. I was not just spotting, but bleeding. It would stop for a while, then at other times I would wake up and find my bedding soaked in blood. I…

Almost at the finishing line

By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

Anne Wambua is on the last leg of her pregnant journey. She continues with her story, as she awaits the birth of her child with near bated breath. Though she will miss her pregnancy she cannot wait to see how her baby looks. I am tired. Truly. It is 4pm and all I long for…

Sex – Joyful positions

By Babylove Network | June 18, 2021

Some expectant women turn into sex queens come pregnancy. More blood flows to the pelvic area increases sensitivity of the vagina and clitoris, causing many of such to have even more orgasms. For others, a sore bust and terrible nausea makes them hanker for sleep, not sex. But if that’s the case, all’s not lost.…

Angie Ndirangu – he loves my new shape!

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

How did you discover you were expectant? I missed my periods and started feeling nauseated at the smell of my otherwise favourite foods. For example, I love chocolate, but all of a sudden, it tasted bitter. Was it planned? It was bound to happen because my husband wanted a second baby. It came a bit…

Past that Pain

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

Christine Kamau walked Rebecca Njoki through her two early motherhood experiences. One-very depressing. Another-a positive challenge. I was six months pregnant in 2006 when I felt some fluid gush down my thighs. Since it was my first pregnancy,I did not know that something was wrong. I thought it was normal for pregnant women to be…

HIV Positive: Caesarean or natural birth?

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

Out of the pitfall?

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

I am finally past Bela’s parent’s anger. What’s left is for me to make it happen for my new family—especially now that her parents seem to be warming up to me. It is clear that Bela is not coming home soon. But when she eventually does, the place needs to be in order. So I…

Baby-making Ingredients

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

Every woman wants her baby to be healthy and strong. Well, the best way to achieve that is by taking the necessary measures before conception. One of the most important things you can do to ensure the well being of your child is to eat a healthy diet. Begin making healthy changes three months to…