Out of the pitfall?

I am finally past Bela’s parent’s anger. What’s left is for me to make it happen for my new family—especially now that her parents seem to be warming up to me.

It is clear that Bela is not coming home soon. But when she eventually does, the place needs to be in order. So I let my head race with the idea of replacing my furniture with something close to state-of-the-art, have the kitchen supplies running, make her maternity booking in a good hospital…— but looking at the situation at hand, I admit that my desires seem a long way off.

My workplace is not making it any better either. The downsizing of the human resource has dished more work onto my plate without adjustments on the deadlines accordingly. And besides the stress that my workplace is working on me, it is denying me time for a side job—that would earn me more money for buying my evasive desires. But among my items of thought is this important constant factor that makes all my troubles worthwhile her—just to hear her voice.

I’m good Love.’ she beams. I had underestimated how good I feel when I hear her.
‘How are you keeping?’ I really want to know.
‘Things have never been better. School is on course. But I am working at doing distance learning. That commuting is taking a toll on me… And … I have a surprise for you…’ she chuckles. All my begging to find out what she has up her sleeve, yields no fruits.

As I hang up, I am even more motivated to make a HOME for Bela—stressful job, meager money or whatever—things have to line up for my queen and my on-the-way heir. So l shift my mental game onto another gear. I look at my schedule: and realize that I must now wake up earlier. An hour to before duty, delivering milk to estate shops can mean some cash. I know. Keeping the house generally clean is not an option either. I clearly cannot rely on Bela’s help when she comes over (that is when I’d have it all set up for her). I am well informed that her condition requires a lot of rest, fact to which I must consent.

Days pass by and I get a call from Bela. Among other niceties, she tells me. ‘Love, you may need to start paying my school fees in part. That is my folks’ first condition if I am to come over for keeps.’ Like the latter bit ‘…if I am to come over for keeps’! That plays a little smile on my face. It’s the former that gives a few qualms—now that I am still trying to make the basic provisions suffice for the three of us. Anyhow, considering that coming over is not going to be any time soon. I am thankful for the considerably good amount of time at hand—for me to put my best foot forward, as I ask God to bless every of my efforts in enabling myself to provide as a hubby and father should.

Meanwhile, the boredom in my little shack of a house is resonating. At this time in life, most of  my boys are swamped in making their own ends meet. So knowing the little time they have in the evenings and weekends are basically for catching up with their rest or activities they so consider important (now very inconsequential to me) my time is for my rest – when I am tired from thinking. And when neither of the two is happening, there is only one way out – Bela. I call her and enjoy listening to her, this time saying, ‘My trip to the clinic left the doctor and I happy…. She still insists on the need to keep my diet balanced throughout this time…. She says the baby’s development is perfect— at par with the age of the pregnancy…’

Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Again, the only incomplete part of the equation is on my side.

What follows is definite renewed vigour in my home-making venture. There is a new bounce in my gait as I go about the otherwise tormenting factory operations. And things are slowly changing for the better. So far I am broke to the knuckles, for good cause though. I have stocked the kitchen with dry grocery. The next plan is the maternity booking, then the revamp of my humble abode—so that she gets to feel like the queen that she is when she is finally comes, then her school fees. After that I plan to go on a super strain for one more month; so that all her daily basics are met—including her hair dos every so often. Wow!

So I am nearing my house this evening, thankful for a refreshing reflective walk from work. I notice my door is ajar, and I am wondering whether my life-planning escapades had gotten the better part of my sanity. Never does anyone in my residential area do this—knowing how ‘needy’ our neighbours are. I am already scared for my kitchen investment for my dear Bela and praying that folk were too preoccupied to notice my mistake. I quickly swing the door open and … Bela is beautifully lying on the bed. The house has been treated to her special feminine touch. Everything is in its ideal place and glimmering from her antiseptic attention. The room has a whiff of my favourite meal—Chapos and coconut bean stew. I can’t help but fall in love with my dear Sleeping Beauty – all over again.

But as my eyes rove from her again to her special efforts, the warm feeling starts cooling from the chill that is running up and down my spine. All her luggage neatly stashed at the corner is a clear indication that is already here for keeps!

* Not real names of mentioned characters


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