What pregnant women want…in their own words

Pregnant women now tell it all…from their hearts! Many of us are sensitive to scents. One day everything is fine and a few days or weeks after confirming you are pregnant, you suddenly cannot stand the smell of things. I remember clearing all the soap from our house. My husband looks at me like ‘we…

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Why do househelps hide pregnancy?

Many househelps in Kenya hide their pregnancies. They go to great lengths to ensure that the employer cannot even ‘sniff it’, let alone see. It is common knowledge that most househelps who become pregnant while living in their employers’ houses usually find themselves in difficult situations. Most employers do not take kindly to the idea that the househelp…

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Bishop Margaret Wanjiru says a big no to pregnant brides

You have been dating, you have been intimately involved and now you are pregnant. This therefore was not a planned pregnancy. You are running scared and have to make some smart decisions about your future and that of your child. “Let’s get married,” says your boyfriend. Not bad news, if you are in love and probably…

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Many, many adjustments

Rachael Ndungu had all of a sudden become emotional. Her friends joked that they would take her for a pregnancy test. She gave in and bought the pregnancy test kit-how right her friends were! Initially, I was very emotional, prone to tantrums and would cry at the drop of a hat. I was moved to the cashiering…

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‘Everything about my pregnancy has been big’

My last scan reveled the most content-looking baby ever Big and getting BIGGER! That in a nutshell, defines my second pregnancy. When I asked my husband to point out something unique about this pregnancy he said; ‘Bigger!’ One of the BIG challenges is Sasha my first born son, who is two-and-a-half-years old. He has always been…

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Does your man know how pregnancy will change you?

Dramatic physical and emotional changes your man should expect If your man says to you, ‘I need to take you to the hospital’, because you are vomiting from nausea, it may be because you are not talking enough about how pregnancy will affect you. Does your man really know what lies ahead and how much pregnancy will change…

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Mja Mzito journal 4

My Moments of Joy… The day we found out that we were going to be parents, my husband took me out for dinner and he started treating me like an egg. He treats me so well and doesn’t allow me to do the house chores; he cooks for me and makes sure I eat before…

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Pregnancy discrimination cases: Why some employers dread pregnancy

Discrimination during pregnancy in the work place is an issue that faces many women. With the different conditions that come along during a woman’s gestation period, as well as time needed for antenatal and maternity leave, employers as well as employees face dilemmas in handling pregnancies with practicality and fairness……

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When you become the “talk of the village”

Like the forbidden fruit in the days of Eden, your pregnancy is likely to elicit huge interest from friends and foe. What therefore do you do when you find yourself, practically or by your own imagination, on the receiving end from the public? Your pregnancy is now the talk of the village. Even if yours is…

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Pregnant househelp – real life experience

How have you faired in the past as a pregnant househelp? I am one lucky househelp. Virtually all my employers have been very understanding during my pregnancies. I think it is because most of them have been mothers. I vividly remember my young, single, female American employer when I was expecting Ian; my second born.…

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