Labour pains — Do you need anaesthesia?

Women who have previously given birth do not ordinarily have good news for those who have never done so. Labour is painful, a different kind of pain. Inexplicable. Josphine Kihi says, ‘There is nothing like labour pain. I cannot describe it. I have never felt that way in my life.’ From these expressions, new mothers…

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Dangers of prolonged labour

Prolonged labour suggests that labour has failed to progress normally, and is causing difficulties for the mother and child. Labour is said to have prolonged if it does not complete within 18 hours for first time mothers and 12 hours for mothers who have had a prior delivery. What could cause prolonged labour? Inadequate intensity…

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Uterine Rupture – What it is and why it happens

Uterine rupture is a tear in the wall of the uterus, most often at the site of a previous caeserean section (C-section). In a complete rupture the tear goes through all layers of the uterine wall. The consequences of uterine rupture can be dire for mother and child. Fortunately, these ruptures are relatively rare for…

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I had labour pains for 2 days!

Mid-November. Scared, uncertain and prayerful. My due date was just a week away and I recall asking my friends in college how painful labour was. Some of them were married with kids. ‘Not painful’, ‘Scary!, ‘Okay’, ‘Don’t even ask!’ were the various responses I got. While some responses raised my spirits, others got me more…

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Vaginal examinations — what the nurse told me

For a first timer like me, it probably comes as a very shy incident when a doctor or other medical professionals request to examine one of the most hidden and guarded parts of your body. The first nurse to request me to do this obviously thought she was ‘examining’ me, but in my mind it…

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Death in the uterus

Many women deliver stillborns, without getting to know the cause of their baby’s death. Even though Angelina lost her baby, she was lucky to know the reason behind her baby’s death—foetal distress. Knowing the cause of death of a loved one is part of the healing process, and puts the mind to rest. Causes Of Foetal…

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Forceful pulling of the placenta is not advisable

Delivering your placenta must be done safely THERE are millions of women who deliver babies in hospitals but hear nothing about the placenta, let alone see it. The placenta is delivered naturally after the offspring, a process referred to as a ‘physiological third stage.’ If you come from the rural areas, you must be familiar…

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Vaginal examination — What it is and what to expect

Vaginal examination requires sensitivity Parting her legs to have a vaginal examination is one of the most challenging moments for a woman, especially if it is happening to her for the first time. Considering that it requires you to put aside your privacy for a while and to allow somebody else to ‘intrude,’ a vaginal…

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