Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Bring down nausea and avoid harmful bacteria

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

Simple and handy rules to follow Nausea and vomiting are some of the undesirable effects that come with pregnancy. For many women they are also the first tell-tale signs that conception has occurred. Many parents, especially mothers, suspect long before they are told that a daughter is pregnant, just by observing this ‘small’ clue! Morning…

I want a baby now – nailing it!

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

The honeymoon has taken another gear. You fee! you know you partner at least well enough to now allow the ushering in of your dream child. As much as that may be as easy as ‘one, two, three’, sometimes issues stand in the way making your dream quite evasive. You need to be well informed…

Bishop Margaret Wanjiru says a big no to pregnant brides

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

You have been dating, you have been intimately involved and now you are pregnant. This therefore was not a planned pregnancy. You are running scared and have to make some smart decisions about your future and that of your child. “Let’s get married,” says your boyfriend. Not bad news, if you are in love and probably…

A woman is not an island

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

‘My first trimester was almost over when I realized I was pregnant!’ Mumbi Keega tells BabyLove Network.  My persistent doubts made me take the test home where I confirmed I was pregnant. That threw me into panic. It actually took a few weeks to come to terms with my new condition and tell those around me.…

Infertility in Women

By Babylove Network | July 1, 2021

The leading cause of infertility in women is obstruction of the fallopian tubes usually arising from infections. This means that the eggs (ova) cannot meet with the sperms, presenting a mechanical basis for infertility. If during a normal delivery the internal genital organs have an infection, this can lead to infection of the fallopian tubes…

Now let me live!

By Babylove Network | July 1, 2021

The cry of a single first-time mum She is no longer the neighbourhood virgin. She is neither married nor employed. But now she has a baby. She wants no favours, but she wants to live! Will you let her? Why on earth would a man who courted you, seduced you and made you pregnant suddenly…

Backbone exercises

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

Lower back pain is a complaint among many expectant women, especially those in their third trimester of pregnancy. This, just as all changes in pregnancy, will cease a few months after delivery. The pain is caused by two major factors. Rapid weight gain: On average, a pregnant woman can gain about 12kg to 13kg. The…

DJ 7- The music goes on…

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

She prances into the Pregnant photo shoot venue on easy brown sandals. Her black fitting pants, dark easy dress-top that smothers her bump, her jungle green trench coat that allows her little belly to have its way, and the way she swings her braids away from her neck as she trots up the stairs tells…

The tireless ‘We’

By Babylove Network | July 6, 2021

Anne Ngatia knows that despite sleepless nights, moods taking a life of their own and spells of amnesia, pregnancy should not make you less productive in the office. Team spirit should remain upheld and deadlines met as well. According to Anne, the stretching that comes with being expectant is only meant to tough out the…

Your baby’s soft-landing

By Babylove Network | June 18, 2021

You’re expecting. Congratulations! What an exciting, and perhaps overwhelming time. There may be a million thoughts running through your head. These may include wondering if your baby is a boy or girl, thinking about how and when to share the news with family and friends, to worrying about the financial implications. While parenthood is occasionally…