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Just the other day in June I missed my period.

My husband had traveled in May to the US and traditionally when he comes back from a long overseas trip we do what other normal couples do — we spark like a freshly-lit fire. So when my period failed to show up I told my husband to get ready for a surprise. It was quite dramatic because my menses are very regular. I started feeling drowsy, nauseated, fatigued and very pregnant.

I would touch my tummy and feel there was something in there. Even my clothes started feeling a bit tighter!

I started yearning for quick bites. I thought to myself, ‘the Editor of Pregnant is — pregnant!’ I hesitated to go for a pregnancy test because I was wondering how I would cope with a new baby many many years after my last pregnancy. My hubby on the other hand could not wait and bought me a self-test pregnancy kit! I did not touch it until the next morning. The process filled me with anxiety and when it was time to check the result I took the kit from the bathroom with my eyes closed.

Just imagine, it was a false alarm! The test-kit showed clearly I was not pregnant. I was both relieved and disappointed, all at one go. I got amused at how one can live a condition created only in their mind — I was already acting and feeling like a pregnant woman. Which brings me to an all important subject: female fertility.

Every woman needs some form of birth control, including natural methods (I mean those that really work not voo-doo!).

A couple should have a baby when they want one not because they made love. One woman asked: ‘Can I get pregnant during my period?’ And another, ‘Can I have sex during my period?’ Yet another: ‘Can I ovulate more than once in a single menstrual cycle?’ Then last week a reader wrote, ‘I used the morning-after pill but now I am pregnant.’

That is why Pregnant Magazine has devoted space to answer these and many other frequently asked questions on pregnancy and birth.


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