Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!
List of articles in this edition
Long life with amaranth
Every expectant mother would like to eat wholesome food because it will have a long term positive effect on the baby and herself. Rebecca Njoki sought Ruth Njeri, a co-director of Incas Health International, on the benefits of amaranth just the right food for every family. Amaranth is a Greek word meaning ‘everlasting’ or ‘living…
Pregwits 30
Across 2 The premature exit of a foetus from the uterus 6 Relating to one side 8 A substance that neutralizes acid 11 A division of the body of an animal 12 The pouch of skin and soft tissues containing the testicles 13 A philosophical approach to health and well-being involving breathing, relaxation and exercise…
10 ways to be baby-ready!
1. Talk with your doctor in advance 2. Work towards the correct weight 3. Avoid stress – stay positive 4. Sleep well – eight hours 5. Take enough water – eight glasses a day 6. Take your recommended dose of folic acid, calcium and other minerals 7. Get insurance that covers your pregnancy 8. Plan…
Celebrating Birth 12
Alice Riziki Happy to finally be ‘mummy’! after two miscarriages see story on page 28 My Experience It was on Sunday, just a normal day for me, did cleaning, cooked, went for shopping and back home. At around midnight I felt some strange pains in my abdominal, I went to the toilet, tried to pee,…