Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Preggy beauty – the 12 commandments

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

Tall, short, plumb – beauty cones in all shapes and sizes. You may have found hopelessly in pursuit of the sometimes evasive beauty. Then off you run for the clothes, shoes, bags and all to cover up for your discontentment. Here is the story, you cannot be contentedly beautiful until you develop an appreciation of…

Her relatives withheld vital information

By Babylove Network | June 22, 2021

A real life account as witnessed by a maternity nurse Mary was rushed into the hospital at around nine o’clock that night while I was on night duty. Her two relatives said it was an emergency and insisted she must be admitted at once. This surprised me as no diagnosis had been carried out. I asked what…

Bishop Margaret Wanjiru says a big no to pregnant brides

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

You have been dating, you have been intimately involved and now you are pregnant. This therefore was not a planned pregnancy. You are running scared and have to make some smart decisions about your future and that of your child. “Let’s get married,” says your boyfriend. Not bad news, if you are in love and probably…

For the smile that winks

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

There is more to a dazzling dentition than brushing your teeth daily. You also need to: See your dentist at least twice a year. Prevention is better than cure. He/she is in a position to spot and attend to teeth issues before they get out of hand. Eat well  Other than strengthening your jaws and…

The Smooth Delivery of BABY ANGEL

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

From the stories she had heard, Catherine Wanjiru expected to push and push harder during the delivery of her baby. What happened on the D-Day, however, surprised her pleasantly! She narrates her story to Roseline Atieno. My husband, works with a tour and travel firm. While he was away I told my sister that I…


What to eat when pregnant – first trimester advice

By Babylove Network | June 16, 2021

What you eat during your pregnancy defines your pregnancy experience! Nutrition in your pregnancy diet plan should be among top priorities. What to eat during your pregnancy for the health and growth of your baby, is about making the right decisions regarding nutrition in your pregnancy diet plan. Nutritional choice in your diet plan is…

Long distance love is tough…

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

I met him online,’ says Irene MacKenzie TO be in a long distance relationship is tough. You have to love each other and have a lot of trust otherwise the relationship will not work. I met my boyfriend Tor-Elvin online in 2004 and we have been dating on a long distance basis. Now that I…

‘Everything about my pregnancy has been big’

By Babylove Network | June 22, 2021

My last scan reveled the most content-looking baby ever Big and getting BIGGER! That in a nutshell, defines my second pregnancy. When I asked my husband to point out something unique about this pregnancy he said; ‘Bigger!’ One of the BIG challenges is Sasha my first born son, who is two-and-a-half-years old. He has always been…

Body-Ready Checklist

By Babylove Network | July 8, 2021

You have taken the plunge and are now ready to conceive, to have another baby. But really—how ready are you? If you are not aware, nine months of pregnancy puts a strain on your body. Hence it is important that you have it its best condition to carry your little loved one. For a healthy…

Pregnant drama on the way to Western Kenya

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

Jacinta decided to make an impromptu trip to her rural home, where she hoped to deliver her baby. It was an old family tradition, where an experienced family midwife attended to members of her family whenever a newborn was to join the family. She was at the famous Machakos ‘Airport’—the country bus terminus in Nairobi—bright…