Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Breast cancer and pregnancy

By Babylove Network | June 26, 2021

  Breast cancer and pregnancy A true moving story of hope and courage, as told  Mwanamisi Ali Until 2004, my life was what it is supposed to be — real good. I was happily married to a loving and caring husband, and taking care of our two lovely and healthy children. I married while still…

Rare but dangerous – Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE)

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

Everything was going according to plan. Helen and her husband could not wait to behold their little miracle of life. She had been rushed to hospital after the doctor confirmed that she was indeed in labour. The pain was almost unbearable but Helen had to persevere in order to see this much awaited gift. In…

Novelty maternity wear

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

Selecting the most comfortable clothes to wear can be a challenge during pregnancy. And if you are a working pregnant woman, you have to worry even more about looking chic, yet at ease. But it’s not all that difficult to find stylish maternity clothes or trendy maternity clothing. It only needs a little planning and…

My journey’s best moments 18

By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

I have not had morning sickness and my appetite has improved greatly. I also love the baby’s kicks in the womb. What’s bad On the 12th week of my pregnancy, I decided to surprise my husband with a wonderful dinner. I went shopping and did not give much thought as to how I would carry…

I am in labour, where is the pain?

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

As narrated by a Midwife Lynn walked into the ward at 11am full of fear and anxiety about the so called ‘labor pains’. She had heard from her friends over and over again that it is the worst experience a human being has ever been through. Part of her overbearing anxiety was based on her…

Fighting Boredom Expectantly

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

What do you do when you find yourself at a place called idle, heavy and out of it? Run? But then you are too heavy. Hide? If only you could but you can barely bend to dry/lotion your feet. Scream? Oh no, you cannot afford to wake those peaceful asleep-at-last toddlers that give you a…

My two-pack experience

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

I was constantly unwell for some time and consequently went to see a doctor. All tests revealed that I was alright. But I was not. When I finally took a pregnancy test, as the symptoms directed, it was positive. At two months, my doctor advised that I go for a scan as my bump was…

Trimester Fatigue – Survival Tricks

By Babylove Network | June 23, 2021

As exciting as being pregnant can be, it comes with its own share of challenges. During the first trimester most women experience enormous fatigue. Fatigue, according to Collins dictionary, is tiredness, drain of energy or exhaustion. According to March of dimes, “though it varies from person to person, most pregnant women feel tired especially in…

Forceful pulling of the placenta is not advisable

By Babylove Network | June 16, 2021

Delivering your placenta must be done safely THERE are millions of women who deliver babies in hospitals but hear nothing about the placenta, let alone see it. The placenta is delivered naturally after the offspring, a process referred to as a ‘physiological third stage.’ If you come from the rural areas, you must be familiar…

Infertility in Women

By Babylove Network | July 1, 2021

The leading cause of infertility in women is obstruction of the fallopian tubes usually arising from infections. This means that the eggs (ova) cannot meet with the sperms, presenting a mechanical basis for infertility. If during a normal delivery the internal genital organs have an infection, this can lead to infection of the fallopian tubes…