Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Stepping out… in fashion

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

HIS ESTEEM WHAT does your man think of what you wear during pregnancy? Do you really know? Being pregnant does not mean you cannot tangle in fashion with your man. After all you are carrying his baby and he sure must be really proud of you! So get him out of the house into a…

Backbone exercises

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

Lower back pain is a complaint among many expectant women, especially those in their third trimester of pregnancy. This, just as all changes in pregnancy, will cease a few months after delivery. The pain is caused by two major factors. Rapid weight gain: On average, a pregnant woman can gain about 12kg to 13kg. The…

Birth defects

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

At one time while attending to a mother in labour, I was impressed by the progression of events. Fairly well growing spasms, no signs of emergencies, good dilation as the baby sinks into the cervix, enough energy to push and viola! We are done—only that there is no cry…. Why? Because what we have is…

Debbie Asila of Tattuu – Getting back to work

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

‘Leaving my baby and going back to work was the most difficult thing for me!’ She is a mother, a wife, a radio presenter, a musician and, recently, an actress. Meet Debbie Asila of the sensational Kenyan music trio, Tattuu, as she talks about how motherhood has affected her career and social life. Leaving my baby…

Forceful pulling of the placenta is not advisable

By Babylove Network | June 16, 2021

Delivering your placenta must be done safely THERE are millions of women who deliver babies in hospitals but hear nothing about the placenta, let alone see it. The placenta is delivered naturally after the offspring, a process referred to as a ‘physiological third stage.’ If you come from the rural areas, you must be familiar…

Dear Doctor ‘P’ 24

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

Send your questions to: pregnant@integral-advisory.com Answers are provided jointly by our team of doctors Our Team Of Experts Dr. Blasio Omuga Lecturer, School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecoiogist Based at Doctors’ Plaza,Clmic No. 18, Kenyatta National Hospital Dr. David Kiragu Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecoiogist Based at KAM Health Services IPS Building, 1st Floor, Kimathi…

Esther Wahome

By Babylove Network | June 24, 2021

This is a legacy edition story. True stories of past pregnancies in yester days (or years), as published in Pregnant Magazine. It’s an exciting time of her life when her marriage, motherhood and career all meet in a forceful and exhilarating climax- welcoming Baby Number 2. On 25 September 1997, Esther Wangui Mureithi, popularly known…

Finding your Identity

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

Finding your identity Pregnant. The word conjures varied responses from any woman who finds herself expecting a baby. There are those to whom the word is a delight, music to their ears, prompting them to immediately plan for the nine months ahead. On the other hand, there are those for whom finding out that they…

He didn’t want Yes for an answer

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

We had been married for five months before we started trying for a baby. The first month yielded nothing. The second, the same thing. That made us so nervous that there was tension in the house. I cried a lot and our conversations turned monosyllabic. During the day, my hubby, Bony, would call asking, ‘have…

My pregnancy abhors goat meat

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

‘No feeling surpasses the anticipation to be a mother; Elizabeth Muyia spoke to our staff writer about her exciting expectant moments. I wanted to surprise my husband if I ever realised that I was pregnant. So I did my pregnancy test at a chemist, on my own. It turned out negative. The next evening, my…