Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Yummy yoghurt very nutritious

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

Strawberry, banana, raspberry, you name it, there’s a flavor that exists in yoghurt form and so are the number of children who have perfected the art of persuasion when it comes to convincing an adamant parent to buy some. But is yoghurt all sweetness and no nourishment? We went out to unearth the nutritious component…

Putting time in your baby’s account

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

Why it is mandatory As a single working mother Angela* would leave the house before daylight to beat the traffic and return just after dark. She spent two hours in traffic and ten hours at the work place just so to remain the effective provider of the home. Time is money-you know. She had Saturday…

Teaching your child about sex

By Babylove Network | August 2, 2021

The do’s and don’ts The society has been infiltrated by messages full of sexual connotations. Everywhere you turn, there are suggestive messages and explicit images on billboards, adverts, the Internet and movies. Parents have a challenge finding wholesome entertainment for their children. Children are exposed to myriad obscene scenes, leading to other serious emotional and physical consequences. It is no longer safe to leave kids unattended in…

Kinder – bites

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

There is something about your children’s growth that inspires you to try out as many recipes as possible— so that they clear up their plate every meal time. With their fluctuating appetites, you will have to experiment with various types of food. Here, we discuss the making of banana bread that can be eaten in…

The arrival

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

The image in my view is a blur and I think it is trying to wave at me. I close my eyes for the umpteenth time. Why is the pain so excruciating? Whoever the image was must be really mean because I think it is obvious the kind of pain I’m in. The sweat has…

Toy World – Where fun and safety should meet

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

The sheer quantity and of toys are enough to any parent’s head spin, as we speak, more are manufactured around the world. This has made it pretty difficult for parents and relatives on the hunt for these precious items to identify suitable and safe toys for their children. This dilemma is further compounded by the fact that…

The GUEST remains SEATED – Until the ceremony is over

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

Why am I saying that? Every year, thousands of accidents occur in Kenya. More than half of such incidences happened because the passengers were not properly secured in their seats. While such disasters can be prevented, the use of car-seats to protect children in the event of these misfortunes cannot be over- emphasized. The type of…

The break-box

By Babylove Network | July 19, 2021

Years back, woe unto you if the contents of your tin were ‘unsightly’. That would set a string of giggles and sometimes providing a story for siblings back at home. So if your mum had forced you to carry a banana, bread, ugali, beans, sukuma wiki-as opposed to cake, crisps, bacon, synthetic juice and the…

What to do when fire breaks out

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

It is hard to forget the chilling story of a mother and her four children whose lives were cut short by a fire at a village in Nyeri. Such events have led many to wonder whether the country is able to handle disasters. But what is more alarming is how unprepared most Kenyans are in the event of…

Get your child to eat Veggies

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

Vegetables may not be as tasty as meat dishes, but they are a core of your child’s diet. How do we go about making your little one eat them up? We give you tips on how to make it easier. Getting your little ones to eat their vegetables is often times like pulling out a tooth.…