Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Project Baby

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

‘Will you open the door for him?’ I ask Megan who is curled up on her favourite couch. ‘I do not think I can do that. How do I tell him that I am sick? What if he turns and runs away? I am so afraid. I cannot handle another setback. I think it was a bad idea to call him. You…

Mum gives everything – and reaps abudantly

By Babylove Network | July 25, 2021

Life has a way of igniting happiness, even in situations when we ask ourselves if it is worth living. But, with the risk of sounding philosophical, I have learnt out of experience as a mother that if we look for something to be appreciative of in life, we are bound to find it. When growing up, I vividly remember how many…

Putting time in your baby’s account

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

Why it is mandatory As a single working mother Angela* would leave the house before daylight to beat the traffic and return just after dark. She spent two hours in traffic and ten hours at the work place just so to remain the effective provider of the home. Time is money-you know. She had Saturday…

Obesity – it’s more than being round

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

Your child’s body stores unused energy as body fat. To maintain a healthy weight, she needs to use (or ‘burn’) the energy from the foods he eats. If she eats more than she uses, her body will store the extra energy as fat. Too much of this kind of storage makes her overweight/obese. Over-weight attracters…

Tackling the Bully

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

Sally came home from school dishevelled and teary. She sobbed to her parents that children from their kindergarten had laughed at her shoes, calling them ugly ducklings, as they kicked them around the compound. In the end, a teacher who was passing by had intervened and she got her shoes back. The bullies were punished…

When your child eats poison

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

What to do Most toxic plants in Kenya are datura (Jimson Weed), cassava and mushrooms, according to the Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board. Datura, also known as Trumpet, is a weed with sharp seedpods and trumpet-shaped large flowers. It has Atropine, which causes damage to body organs. According to Oxford journals, accidental poisoning is prevalent among young children as they have limited knowledge of the danger…

Attending To Her Bruise

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

A bruise occurs when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken as a result of a bang on the skin. Blood leaks into the skin causing colour change on the bruised area to reddish, which is easily visible, especially for lighter skin. It then changes to purplish (blue-black), and eventually to dark brown as the bruised…

Running tummies – Holding their horses

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

Back in my childhood days when I was about 7, I remember seeing my 2-year-old cousin very weak and fragile after an entire night’s bout of diarrhoea. My mother fed her a salt and sugar solution, which I later learnt was for hydration. For a long time, I never witnessed any other incident of a…

Baby Chat 27

By Babylove Network | August 4, 2021

Send your questions to: babylove@integral-advisory.co.ke Answers are provided jointly by our team of doctors Our Team of Experts Dr. Blasio Omuga, Lecturer, School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Based at Doctors’ Plaza. Clinic No. 18, Kenyatta National Hospital Dr. David Kiragu Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Based at KAM Health Services IPS Building, 1st Floor,…

Creating space for a newborn

By Babylove Network | June 25, 2021

PREPARING for life with a new baby is no mean feat. There are many necessities parents overlook or only think of at the last minute. Fore thought and planning are essential to have everything ready. It is work enough having a new arrival in your household, do not add to the stress by finding out,…