Baby safety outside the house

Issues 20 and 21 of Pregnant covered your child’s safety in the kitchen, washroom and bathroom. This edition talks about your child’s safety outside the house.

For children to grow and develop appropriate social skills, they need to play and associate with peers their own age. Therefore, they need to be encouraged as much as possible to interact with other children in the neighbourhood and in whatever social places they may visit. However, caution needs to be taken to avoid possible mishaps. Here are a few guidelines to ensure peace of mind whenever the children step out of the house; whether your home is surrounded by a fence or otherwise.

Constant supervision
You are glad that the children are out of the house playing. Good for you, for you can get to catch up with much needed work, sleep or even reading. This you can only do in snippets though, for you have to constantly check on your child’s safety. Has he been quiet for too long? Go out and check on what might be happening. The reason may not be because the child is busy with play, but because he is in danger.

Main roads and highways
If you live near a main road, then children need an extra watchful eye while playing outside. At times, their play items stray into the road. Children may also just spread their play near the road as it provides a bigger space. Teach them to keep within proximity of the home compound to avoid being hit by passing vehicles. If possible, fence their play area so that it keeps them within a safe confinement away from the road and water bodies. It works to advantage if you encourage them to bring their friends home, provided you have enough space. Not only will they have fast access to help when needed but it will help you monitor them.

A clutter-free compound
Keeping your compound clean not only goes to maintain your compounds’ general appearance, but it also prevents accidents. Scrap metal from old cars, old refrigerators, broken chairs or any unusable household items should not be thrown in the compound. Such junk can turn out to be a source of injuries. Tetanus infections can be acquired this way. Your junk can also be a hideout for thieves, snakes and harmful insects.

Eating out
While playing, children get hungry fast and will often be tempted to walk in to the nearest house for a snack or food to replenish their energy. This sometimes works against them, as they can get food poisoning or allergic reactions to some snacks offered. It is important to advice them against eating outside home. To prevent them from going against your word, provide them with a snack at least every time they check into the house. This will go a long way to curtail this. Also, remember that other people’s homes are not always child friendly.

Dealing with strangers
The possibility of a stranger with intentions of luring and kidnapping your child cannot be ruled out. Your child, oblivious to the ill intentions falls for the trick and this is when the unsavoury happens. To prevent this as much as possible, advice children against talking to strangers. Get them to run from such characters and report to you immediately.

Have a first aid kit ready
No matter all the safety measures taken, accidents will inevitably happen. One has to prepare to handle it the best way possible. Have a tool kit for treating injuries and some first aid lessons. You never know when it will come in handy.

END: BL24/12

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