Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Placental insufficiency — The silent unborn baby killer

By Babylove Network | June 16, 2021

Placental insufficiency, also known as uteroplacental vascular insufficiency, is a pregnancy complication in which the placenta fails to transmit enough oxygen and adequate nutrients to the foetus. The placenta therefore is unable to fully support the developing baby. It is hence also referred to as placental dysfunction. In this real-life account of placental insufficiency — the silent unborn baby killer…

Celebrating birth 18

By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

My Experience My due date was in April 26th 2008 and interesting enough. That’s the same night I started to labour. I got my first pains at 3pm and decided to go to hospital immediately. I got admitted in hospital at 5am and that’s when my water broke. At this stage, my labour pains weren’t…

Pregwits 25

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

Across 1 A discharge of blood from the uterus at about four weeks’ Interval front puberty to menopause 6 Fit on a person’s body 7 The middle section of the intestine especially in an embryo 12 The roof of the mouth 13 A fairly common, infection of newborns whereby there is inflammation of the fold…

Why some babies get addicted to the breast

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

Why is it difficult for some children to stop breastfeeding? In many cases, emotional attachment to the mother is a key contributor to some baby’s refusal to stop breastfeeding. Some children breastfeed until they are five years old. In essence, breastfeeding at that age is just for comfort, not necessarily hunger. The older some babies…

Coping with post-delivery weight

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

TERRY ANNE CHEBET It is very easy to gain excess weight during pregnancy and after birth. After delivery, my mother-in-law fed me on all types of foodstuffs including the traditional njahi (black beans) and porridge. For the first three months I ate a lot and gained so much weight! Pregnancy was somewhat ‘depressing’. I used…

It’s a joy ride for Josleen Soita – despite a mis-diagnosis

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

‘I don’t have any cravings, mood swings, nausea, drastic weight gain, dislikes, or morning sickness!’ She narrated her story to Roseline Atieno. ‘Throughout my pregnancy I have been very energetic. However, my first two months were tumultuous. I developed cramps and when I went to the hospital, I was diagnosed as having a threatened miscarriage…

‘I had childbirth phobia’

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

My mother’s advice when I was a teenager made me dead scared about childbirth ‘DURING my teenage years, I remember my mother always telling me that giving birth was the most painful experience any woman could go through. When I look back today, I suppose she used to tell me this to discourage me from…

MjaMzito Fashion 5

By Babylove Network | July 1, 2021

Outdoors will do you good! Just how much greenery have you enjoyed lately? Now that you are pregnant, you probably have heightened senses of smell and touch. The question is: ’Are you smelling and touching the right things?’ Or are you actually choking indoors, with nauseating food, paints and perfumes? It’s time for some green,…

Raped — what next?

By Babylove Network | July 1, 2021

Finding that ray of hope in a time of crisis Once a rape victim is faced with the full reality of what has happened, everything will seem hostile and hopeless. However, there is a ray of hope despite the ordeal. In this article, we suggest some immediate steps that rape victims should take to restore their…

Anti-AIDS Crusader Asunta Wagura: how I conceived my Baby Joshua

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

Asunta Wagura, a well known Kenyan anti-HIV/AIDS crusader, has lived with the disease for many years. She spoke to Anne Kigathi and Emma Odaba, about her momentus journey to getting her own baby. ‘For three years I planned on getting a baby. Whenever I passed by the streets and saw women holding theirs, it would…