Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

I am more sentimental

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

Peninah Kariuki and her husband had tried to get a baby for five months to no avail. They hang away their expectation boots, to ward off the pressure which threatened to take a toll on their happiness. Then she realised her period had not delayed for five weeks in a row, which prompted her to…

Coping with a stillbirth – Rhoda’s experience

By Babylove Network | June 21, 2021

Last year I lost my first baby when I was eight months pregnant. It all started with very many complications. I bled during the first three months. I was not just spotting, but bleeding. It would stop for a while, then at other times I would wake up and find my bedding soaked in blood.…

Is it safe to have a third C-section?

By Babylove Network | June 22, 2021

Question: Is it safe to have a third C-section? Response by Doctor ‘P’ The more Caesarian- sections you have, the higher the risk of scarring between the womb, bladder and the surrounding bowel. Although unlikely, it is possible that during C-S, the neighbouring structures can be affected. There is also a small but significant risk…

What you need to know about premature births

By Babylove Network | July 6, 2021

When a baby is born before week 37 of pregnancy, the birth is referred to as a premature birth. Although all body parts of the baby may be present, functionally, they are not fully mature, in particular the lungs, skin, liver and kidneys. This predisposes the baby to severe risks and may cause infant death…

Speak…on a pregnant note 16

By Babylove Network | July 7, 2021

WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY Send your mail to: The Editor, Pregnant. P. O. Box 11463 – 00100. Nairobi. Kenya. Or send your sms to: +254 722 624174 E mail: pregnant@integral-advisory.com Only mail or sms with your name, postal address and day-time telephone number can be published. The identity of the writer may be withheld only…

Dear Dr. ‘P’ 8

By Babylove Network | July 8, 2021

I am 2 weeks pregnant and breastfeeding. Is it safe to continue breastfeeding while pregnant? There is no harm in breastfeeding while pregnant. However, you need to feed well (eat the right type of food) as the demand for nutrients by a foetus increases as the pregnancy progresses. It may also be prudent to use…

Shy moments 20

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

Invisible opinions By month nine of my pregnancy, I was still up and about. On this particular afternoon, I have gone to the market to buy green groceries. I picked all I needed except the onions. Which I looked all over for in vain. The grocer had told me he had onions but did not…

Pregwits 29

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

Across 1 The pigmented area which surrounding the nipple; it darkens during pregnancy 5 A condition resulting from invasion cl She blood stream by bacteria 8 The greasy whitish substance that covers a newborn’s skin 9 A hormone released by the pituitary glands and it augments uterine contractions during labour 13 An iron deficiency common…

Danger signs as labour approaches

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

Quit Smoking

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

People start smoking because of influence from peers or from advertisement. Unfortunately, smoking is very addictive because: 0 When nicotine reaches the brain, it makes the head spin, and people feel stimulated and alert. 0 Nicotine makes the heart beats faster, so more blood circulates around the body per minute. This makes the user feel…