Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Rachel Wambui narrates how she became pregnant while breastfeeding

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

My first baby was almost nine months and I was still breastfeeding fulltime. I was contemplating resigning from work because taking care of the baby while working at the same time was taking a toll on me. My son had been unwell and had refused to eat, that is why he was on breast milk…

Test your wits 35

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

True or False 1) Cigarettes smoking during pregnancy can affect the child’s future performance. 2) A pregnant woman should mostly feed on hotdogs. 3) During pregnancy you should avoid negative thoughts and actions. 4) After birth, many newborns are tiny, wet creatures when they first emerge. Often, their heads are slightly pointed as a result…

Toughing it out

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

Roselyn Njoki was thrilled by the news that she was pregnant, not knowing that the months that would follow would be tumultuous; a long, arduous journey. She narrates her experience to Rebecca Njoki. When I discovered that I was pregnant I called everyone I knew and shared the good news. It was thrilling. My joy…

Speak…. on a pregnant note 17

By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

Send your mail to: The Editor. Pregnant. P. O. Box 11463 00100. Nairobi. Kenya. Or send your sms to: +254 722 624174 E-mail: pregnant@integral-advisory.com Only mail or sms with your name, postal address and day-time telephone number can be published. The identity of the writer may be withheld only if requested in writing. The Editor…

Finding your Identity

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

Finding your identity Pregnant. The word conjures varied responses from any woman who finds herself expecting a baby. There are those to whom the word is a delight, music to their ears, prompting them to immediately plan for the nine months ahead. On the other hand, there are those for whom finding out that they…

Men in labour

By Babylove Network | June 21, 2021

Can daddy take the heat in the delivery room? some are enthusiastic partners, others nervous and sweating, reluctant watchers. Is fathers presence in the delivery room a good idea? To be or not to be in the delivery room is almost becoming a disrespectful question for many fathers. Every ‘liberalized’ man wants to ensure his…

Jewellery-the Dos and the Don’ts

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

When you get pregnant, your energy is at the soles of your feet most of the time, which makes you less concerned about your looks. But that need not be the case. Other than make up and great clothes. Jewellery are little pieces whose effect may not seem that significant but can give you a…

Trusting the compass

By Babylove Network | June 24, 2021

Recently, I experienced a four-hour flight aboard a beautiful and inspiring plane, ‘Mama Africa’. I encountered what they called turbulence and was obviously scared stiff. I did not understand that turbulence was simply a group of fierce clouds defending its territory. In that same flight, I encountered a complete contrast: A literally breathtaking view. For…

Celebrating birth 22

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

My Experience.  DORCAS WAMBUI NJOROGE-KENYANYA The doctor scheduled me for a C-section on Thursday and we checked in on Friday morning and the beds were full at the private wings. We waited a whole 3 hrs for someone to be discharged. I got prepared at around 11.30 and went to theatre around 12.45 pm. I…

Battle with infection

By Babylove Network | June 21, 2021

One woman’s ordeal after delivery ‘Mine was a normal delivery but the healing process-excruciating!’ exclaimed Judy, and I could almost feel the pain she underwent. ‘My pregnancy was enjoyable. I was very friendly, no mood swings, no nausea… and no pimples! My appetite was great and I ate healthy foods. As for cravings, sugarcane, boiled…