Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Unplanned, Yes, but not unwanted!

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

Priscilla Muhiu was interviewed by Rebecca Njoki Priscilla had just come from an official trip in Kisumu when she fell sick. Though she suspected she had contracted malaria, she bought a pregnancy home kit to rule out the possibility of pregnancy. I did the test at home and it turned out positive. I was shocked!…

Getting back that waistline

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

You finally have your baby—great! That makes everything around you perfect—except when you let your eyes rove down your belly. It is not just going down as fast as you would like it to. The consoling bit is that every part of the body has its own pace of healing and adjusting from the rigours…

Are you ready for a baby?

By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

Janet and Godfrey had been happily married for five years. But in all this time they had not had a child. Parents and friends were starting to worry that there would never be an addition in the family. There was speculation that one of them could be infertile. Many wondered why the couple did not…

Post – natal depression

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

The signs and how to avoid it What are the signs of post-natal depression? You should be wary of the following combination of signs: An overwhelming feeling of uselessness. You feel unwanted and of no help to anyone including your baby. When your baby does not stop crying despite your concerted efforts, you feel an…

Stretch to your relief

By Babylove Network | June 24, 2021

To be flexible, you need to exercise various muscle groups. This enables your spine, muscles and joints to adopt accordingly as your pregnancy progresses. Stretching reduces muscle tension therefore helping you to maintain balance, coordination, increase your agility and speed as well as prevent injuries. Stretching improves your emotional health too; it reduces stress by helping…

Life begins at 40!

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

Life begins at 40. Whoever coined this phrase must have had many things in mind-happiness does not diminish as you grow old, you need not be scared of old age and the sort. But I wonder if he thought of a woman deciding to get pregnant at 40! The resounding answer from a number of…

Pastor’s DAUGHTER Got Pregnant

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

Worshipers Demanded He Resigns! If there is a hot subject in the village it is when the daughter of a local church minister gets the baby bug. Whispers of gossip will be heard from a distance the moment passers by or bystanders spot the girl of the moment, the one soul her pastor dad ‘did…

Gym work outs?

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

Suckle the baby first I got an email from one avid reader of this column, a lady client I have known for a very long time. Esther has been an enthusiastic and ardent gym member before her pregnancy. Now that she has delivered.. a beautiful baby girl, she craves going back to the gym and…


By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

At times we oil see fruits and desire all in all to have them. Yet it is of consequence to obtain that which is beyond our control. It now three years since we last saw each other. My fruitless efforts are frustrating me. I am trying to secure gainful employment. Seeing that I cannot get…

Very grateful- Lucy Mwakaba

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

The grand discovery I went for a pregnancy test and confirmed what I was suspecting to be true. It was thrilling to realize that I was pregnant again. l was so excited but had to contain it so as not to tell my husband the news over the phone ….. waiting for him to get…