Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

I had to let go …

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

Esther begins her story with a deep frown that contrasts with her serene surroundings, including a sofa that is beautifully stuffed with teddy bears and stuffed dolls for her baby. I was quite green when I met Mark. We went out for close to a year before I agreed on taking our relationship to another…

Walking Wonder

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

Pregnancy can make you wonder if the body you have been in all your life is still yours. Exercise boosts your energy giving you back control over your body. One of the most stress-free ways to establish and maintain an exercise routine is by walking. Benefits As simple as it may seem, walking will help…

EPISIOTOMY 411. About the sometimes needful cut

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

What is an episiotomy? An episiotomy is an incision performed between the vagina and the rectum with the aim of increasing the size of the opening of the vagina to assist in delivery of a baby. How common is episiotomy? An episiotomy is performed in about 40 per cent of vaginal deliveries in the United…


By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

A scar is a blemish, a mark on the skin. It occurs when the skin repairs wounds that have been caused by accidents, disease or surgery. Unavoidable Scars are a sign that one has lived, is living. A non active person is not bound to get scars. The fact is that you cannot entirely avoid…

Something black, something white…

By Babylove Network | July 6, 2021

…means the absence of colour—from the art perspective. Yet again. ‘Black and white say why colour is colour—because colour is that which is neither black nor white.’ says art. We are about to show you how the boldness in black and purity in white embrace each other to help you say something. The black makes…

I am set to have my baby

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

Anne Wambua continues with her story journey towards having a second child. ‘I have never planned for anything before like I have for this baby. I am practically counting the days to my EDD. January seems to far. I cannot wait for Christmas to come and go’. As I write this, it is 9am: and…

What Do You CRAVE?

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

ANN Wambua suddenly started having a longing for lemon peels. She would rush out of the house to the local market and buy at least five lemons each day, eat the peels and throw away the lemons! This unusual habit amused her two siblings, but not her mother, who promptly recommended a pregnancy test for…

CONSTIPATION During Pregnancy

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

ARE you pregnant and cringing at the thought of visiting a toilet for a long call because you have hard stool? Passing such stool can be a trying and painful experience. You sit there and push with all your mind and might but alas! Nothing comes out and when it does, it is slow, scant…

We are excited!

By Babylove Network | July 6, 2021

Kevin and Dorcas Kenyanya are reveling in expectancy. Their life is changing— for the better. They let Elizabeth Ombati into the reason for their excitement. How has the pregnancy changed your life? Kevin: Knowing that I will be a dad in a few months is awesome. I have become more conscious of the food we…

Pregnancy fluids-Drink away

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

Water sorts out many pregnancy issues; constipation, to fatigue, to dry skin and others. But, as the belly grows and hormones rush, your taste buds may just change – to repulse water. The refreshing glass of hydration becomes unpalatable and unquenching. Here are some top drink ideas that will satiate your thirst and keep your…