Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!


By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

During an interview with Pregnant at a local radio station’s offices Beatrice had to be called by the presenter twice – She had played the wrong song for a feature. She is the producer of a popular afternoon radio programme. She shared her fears with Sandra Mulluka and Emma Odaba. That is the second time…


Vaginal examination — What it is and what to expect

By Babylove Network | June 16, 2021

Vaginal examination requires sensitivity Parting her legs to have a vaginal examination is one of the most challenging moments for a woman, especially if it is happening to her for the first time. Considering that it requires you to put aside your privacy for a while and to allow somebody else to ‘intrude,’ a vaginal…

Joy Wanjala’s Surprise Bump!

By Babylove Network | June 16, 2021

Less than one year after her first born twins, TV Entertainment Presenter Joy Wanjala was back for seconds! This throw-back piece takes us back to those joyful days… Twins are definitely bundles of Joy when they come along. But like all good things in life, they call for sacrifice. Imagine the emotions Joy Wanjala went…

Shy Moments 4

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

‘Je, Ana Yake?’ My mother has never been impressed by my boyfriend and has time and again warned me against getting impregnated by him. Finally that has come to be the case and I was scared of telling her. Recently my boyfriend visited us because he and I had decided to tell Mum I am…

Vacuum delivery

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

What It Means For You and Your Baby A vacuum delivery is a modified normal delivery where uterine pressure that expels the baby is supplemented with a vacuum extractor. This equipment applies pressure on the head resulting in a pulling effect, and helps to expel the baby from the mother’s birth canal. It is as…

Pregnant Magazine

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

The Legacy Edition of Pregnant Magazine features personalities who have been pregnant in the past. The exciting news is that these stories were taken at the time of pregnancy, hence the stories are truly reflective of the feelings and experiences of the mums and dads at the time of expecting a child. Some notable stories…

Orie Rogo Manduli

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

‘I loved being pregnant!’ Three words that best describe her are chic, passionate and super-assertive-typical of who she was in her childbearing days. She is more than happy to tell Brenda Wangwe about it. Orie Rogo Manduli. a mass of energy encased in ripe beauty, is draped in a blue African free flow attire patterned…

Jennifer Barassa ‘Bidanya-nothing better’

By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

Motherhood is tough, challenging, complicated, yet so effortless, satisfying and rewarding—again in a convoluted sense. Jennifer Barassa (Now 56) gives Brenda Wangwe a recap. Apart from yearning for simsim, peanuts and fruits, abhorring petrol fumes and wishing that the then classy Lux soap and Lady Gay lotion would diffuse into thin air, my pregnancy was…

Celebrating Birth 29

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

My Experience-Laura Wambui I was admitted on 6th November 2009 at Coptic Hospital for a C-Section because my amniotic fluid had washed out, reducing the chances of natural labour. So the doctor had to do a C-s as the baby would have gone into distress because of the state of my womb. The operation started…

Pap Smear

By Babylove Network | July 8, 2021

Is it Essential? Dr David Kiragu explains why a Pap smear is necessary for all women of reproductive age. PAP smear is a test performed on women of reproductive age in order to assess their risk of developing cancer of the cervix (the neck of the uterus which opens into the vagina). Why do I…