Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

An unbelievable kind of Love

By Babylove Network | July 3, 2021

‘Pregnancy’s is very interesting. The changes make me wonder whether I am still the same person that I have been all along.’  Evelyn Karanja recounts her experiences  through every stage of pregnancy. She spoke to Rebecca Njoki.                                     …

Glam yourself up!

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

Today we look at the glamorous side of being pregnant. We make you gorgeous in dresses that will take your breath away, at the same time taking your comfort into consideration. In this spirit we show you dressy but comfortable outfits to make you realise that you still have it despite your new status; ignore your flat sandals…

It’s all new to me…

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

PATRICIA NYALWAL While Kenyans were celebrating Mashujaa Day on 12 December, my new baby girl was getting her first-time immunization, shortly after birth. Before I left hospital she had received what I was told were BCG and IPV vaccinations. I had no idea what that meant, but I knew it was for the better. Today…

First Word 3

By Babylove Network | June 22, 2021

Hi. Has your baby ever fallen on a really hard floor? Like on a cement floor and with such a loud thud that everyone present was speechless for a moment and then everyone was running towards the baby the next moment? How many times does your baby fall while in the care of other people, in your…

Depression In Pregnancy – keeping it away

By Babylove Network | July 5, 2021

Depression In Pregnancy— keeping it away When Janerose* discovered that she was pregnant, the first thought that occurred to her was suicide. The thought of a job-seeking boyfriend and strict church-going parents made the situation worse. Not only was she still relying on her parents to finance her higher education, but Eddy*, her boyfriend, had…

Fresh – regardless of urinal incontinence

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

Your days have been sad and your mind is constantly troubled by urinary incontinence, it is not enough that you have a backache, water retention, or gas. Your body has also given in to urinary incontinence, Oh, what we go through to bring a child into this world! But not to worry, we at Pregnant…

Speak … on a pregnant note 38

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

Send your mail to: The Editor, P.O.Box 11463-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.                                                                                                                     Or send your sms to: +254722624174 E-mail: pregnant@integral-media.co.ke Only mail or sms with your name, postal address and day-time telephone number can be published. The identity of the writer may be withheld only if requested in writing. The Editor reserves the right to publish comments…

February Flowers

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

Mama lovingly massaged her tummy. Two more months to go.’ she consoled herself with a smile. ‘You’ll make a fine woman some day,’ she said to her unborn Lisa, as she picked the gourds of mursik, the traditional sour milk, from the sunshine. Walking back to the house, she stooped short as something in the…

MjaMzito Fashion 5

By Babylove Network | July 1, 2021

Outdoors will do you good! Just how much greenery have you enjoyed lately? Now that you are pregnant, you probably have heightened senses of smell and touch. The question is: ’Are you smelling and touching the right things?’ Or are you actually choking indoors, with nauseating food, paints and perfumes? It’s time for some green,…

Pain relief in labour

By Babylove Network | June 30, 2021

Labour analgesia was first practiced way back in 1847 when chloroform was used by a Scottish physician called James Simpson. The only problem was that the new mother would wake up three days after the delivery and refuse to believe that she had delivered. Later on, prominent people like Queen Victoria also did experience ‘painless…