Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

They’re suffering under our care

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

As busy as life has become, children have not been left behind in the rat race. Nowadays, it is no secret to find children awake as early as 4 a.m, to begin their day that usually ends around 6 p.m due to traffic jams. One wonders where this generation is heading to if children will not be left to just…

Milestones at month 11 – bear with his separation anxiety, he will survive

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

As a parent, you are more excited than your baby as he approaches his first birthday. Of course the importance of the date at that age, while a big deal for you, is lost on the child. As you plan your baby’s birthday bash, a rush of apprehension hits you as you are not sure…

Don’t let Baby get shocked

By Babylove Network | July 31, 2021

Children, particularly toddlers, are notorious for their innocent curiosity of their immediate surroundings. More often than not, they put themselves in harm’s way without realising it. This is why parents are required to keep a watchful eye over their loved ones lest a fatal accident, which could have been avoided, occurs. With modernization of most…

Keeping baby HIV negative

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

In Kenya, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services are available in all public health facilities free of charge or at a minimal cost. Despite that, not all women receive the full benefit. A number of expectant women refuse to take the HIV test while others fail to return to the health…

What is wrong with you sonny?! It could be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Children sometimes daydream in class, may forget to do their homework or even fidget at the dinner table, behaviour which is considered normal. On the other hand, there are children who can’t sit still, who hardly listen and keep blurting out inappropriate comments. Most of the time, they are labelled as trouble- makers and are…

Eat! Don’t pick – A better way of saying that

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

Alice came home later than usual expecting her children to be fast asleep. But walking in, Alice met frustration written all over her house help’s face. Beside her was one of her sons, Sam, with a bowl full of untouched food. For Sam, the word ‘food’ was enough for him to throw a tantrum that…

Best ways to handle sleep-walkers

By Babylove Network | July 31, 2021

You get a nag to check on your little one in the dead of the night. You stealthily open the door to his room and your fear stares you in the face. His bed is empty. Your heart’s thud moves to your head because the washroom lights are off and so are those of the other rooms. Then just before…

Dehydration can kill your child!

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

Dehydration is one of the most common conditions, that affect infants and toddlers. It often occurs as a result of loss of body fluids through vomiting, fever or diarrhoea. Babies may get dehydrated quickly when they lose a lot of water and salts. If not hospitalized immediately, dehydration can cause serious complications and even lead…

Opening a Bank Account for your Baby

By Babylove Network | July 4, 2021

A wise parent understands that saving money in a bank for future use or for an unforeseeable emergency is a necessity. Saving for the baby not only shows that the parents care to dot their young one. but they are also thinking of their child’s survival, comfort and prestige in the future. A few years…

Baby Chat 27

By Babylove Network | August 4, 2021

Send your questions to: babylove@integral-advisory.co.ke Answers are provided jointly by our team of doctors Our Team of Experts Dr. Blasio Omuga, Lecturer, School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Based at Doctors’ Plaza. Clinic No. 18, Kenyatta National Hospital Dr. David Kiragu Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Based at KAM Health Services IPS Building, 1st Floor,…