The sun – Blessing vs Nuisance

Everybody loves the blessing of sunshine. No wonder they say, … .Joy comes in the morning.’ It’s the beauty of light to see our loved ones, it’s the warmth that makes us shed layers of clothing, it’s the rays that give our horizons the green beauty we love to gaze at; and quite simply, it makes the world a more beautiful place.

However, it is important to also know and understand the degenerative power of the sun-especially when it comes to taking care of your baby. Below are some examples of the positives and negatives of sun exposure.

Moderate exposure to the sun is vital for everyone’s health, children included.Jaundice is reduced by exposing the baby to indirect sunlight for a few minutes every day. It prompts the production of Vitamin D by the baby’s body. This strengthens bones to avert rickets, boosts muscle growth and the body’s immune system. This vitamin may be inadequate even if consumed via fortified food and supplements.

The sun helps in treating a skin condition known as psoriasis. Though uncommon in babies, psoriasis causes the skin to shed quickly and be itchy, developing scaly patches. Exposure to the sun’s rays slows the growth of infected skin cells therefore relieving the symptoms.

Research has found that insufficient sunlight causes profound change to portions of the brain which are associated with depression. Meaning, the sunshine improves moods.

Keeping your baby indoors all the time is preventing your child from benefiting from the sun’s positive effects. So go ahead and undress your baby-save for maybe the diaper, and together take a stroll round the house so that you can both soak in the wonder rays.

Everything in excess is harmful. Therefore, be careful not to overexpose your baby to the sunshine as this can cause burning and redness—commonly referred to as sunburn. This presents with pain in the burnt area. This area is covered by a glistening patch that eventually darkens and flakes off.

The sun is also known to cause fast skin ageing. Sunrays destroy the tissue beneath the top layer of the skin causing loss of the skin’s suppleness resulting in wrinkles. Compare your body parts that are usually exposed to the sun with those that aren’t, and take note of the difference.

Over exposure to sunshine has also been linked to skin cancer. Due to the deterioration of nature’s own protection-the ozone layer-by human activities and pollution, the sun’s harmful rays get direct access to the earth. When they come into contact with unprotected skin, the harmful rays stand a chance of causing skin cancer. The sun is actually rated as the world’s most prominent cause of skin cancer.

In summary, too much sun exposure can be harmful. The best times to have a fruitful bask would be when the sun is mild, mostly mornings and in the evening. If your child will be under direct sunlight for a long time, then you should consider applying a sunscreen lotion with Sun Protection Formular (SPF) of at least 30+.

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