Oh the sweet taste of success!!
I should acquire a new title I think. “Wahu the forcer” seems quite befitting, because for the last couple of days everything else has fallen secondary to me “forcing myself” onto my Nyakio. The thing is, this little girl had decided that she wanted to wave bye bye to our breastfeeding experience, for whatever reason. Some people told me that some babies are just like that, but I tended to believe it had a lot to do with my reduced milk supply – what with going back to my hectic schedule and all; I wasn’t going to hang up my breast feeding bra without a good solid fight, so, for the last three weeks, every moment I’ve had, I’ve been “fighting” with her to feed from the breast, topping up with formula when she never had fill.
Trust me, I found out breast feeding positions that I’m sure don’t exist on paper! 😀 but guess what, at the end of the day, we are back on!!!… Halleluya!
Guess what else is back on…the few kgs I had managed to lose over the last couple of months :-/ I’m not going to blame her for this though. When I stopped working out, I really should have been watching what I ate; yea, I wasn’t too keen on that, but that’s not stressing me too much right now.
Here’s another thing that I realized had been interfering with my milk production, and hence contributing to Nyakio’s refusal to breastfeed; my breast pump had a suction problem! I thought that the suction pressure had reduced because there wasn’t much to “suck” (don’t ask me how that logic came about) until I saw an ever so slight tear on the pump’s suction valve. A quick replacement of this part has done wonders to my milk supply, and I’m now even back to expressing. Only this time, we are using the expressed milk in the cause of the day to ease digestion during weaning . (Yes we have been weaning for the last 6.5 weeks, but that’s a story for another day!)
For now, I’m just happy to re-establish breastfeeding and let my little Nyakio enjoy the full benefits of mummy’s nutritious milk!
So for anybody who’s baby has stopped breastfeeding much sooner than you expected, it could be that that’s just baby’s nature. But it could also very well be that you need to take some time off and be the “forcer mummy”
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