Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Weaning time-Kiddies Menus

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

Your baby has just started eating solid food. So what should you as a parent prepare so as to become a super chef to a special little customer? There are plenty of options one can create to tease a little ones palette. A fruity yoghurt is a delicious and nutritious first food for babies Banana…

Dog bites

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Child protection and treatment tips Most children love pets, more so dogs. But although dogs are fun to be with due to their playful nature, they can be dangerous to both children and adults if improperly treated. Globally, there are 60,000 dog bites occurrences reported annually. It is estimated that Kenya accounts for over 10,000 the incidences, half of which result in fatalities.…

Weaning your baby -The right way

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

It is recommended that a baby exclusively breastfeeds for the first six months of his life. After that, or even earlier, alternative foods are introduced to his diet, a process called weaning. Weaning is best started from end of 3 months to 6 months depending on maternal, infant, socio economic and cultural factors. Until then,…

A Date with my Son

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

Is that the time? I think to myself as the clock stares back at me unflinchingly. It is 11 am. I thought it was eight. But I am still tired from last night’s singing. You see, lately, Tebogo has taken to watching television and he seems to love a particular commercial which always leaves him…

Essentials of Baby Skin Care

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

The importance of Baby skin care Nothing feels quite as soft and supple as a baby’s delicate skin. Gorgeous to touch, it’s a constant source of delight and wonder to you. It is through gentle, skin-to-skin contact that you will first communicate your love to one another, as your tender touches help baby feel safe…

Blocked nose

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Helping him clear it A nose full of mucus is nasty to all, but more so to babies below two years because they must breathe through the nose, which they have no ability to clear. A stuffy nose is caused by the common cold or allergic reactions like asthma and sinusitis that inflame blood vessels,…

When baby says NO! to breastfeeding

By Babylove Network | August 4, 2021

Babies were born to breastfeed. However, sometimes a baby goes off the breast and refuses to breastfeed. Many mothers are usually not prepared for this possibility. Breast milk is considered the most beneficial, healthy and non-costly food for a new born. It has the perfect nutritional combo, for it fulfills all the dietary requirements of…

TETANUS-Death Around The Corner!

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Now that you have your newborn baby, one of your biggest tasks is ensuring that the baby stays free of disease and infection. Your baby should grow up into a strong and healthy person. You can ensure this by giving your child adequate nutrition, having him immunised against certain diseases, preventing other diseases and treating…

Wrong + Wrong = ?

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Spanking has been the age-old way of instilling discipline in our children. Many adhere to the bible truth: ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child.’ It is your sole duty to discipline your child so that she grows up to be responsible. Make sure your child knows what is right and wrong. Tell her that…

Colic – when crying becomes excessive

By Babylove Network | August 6, 2021

GIVING birth to my baby a few years back was the most amazing thing that had ever happened in my life. I recall asking myself time and again, as my beautiful girl lay there by my side: is this baby really mine? Is it the one that has been growing in me for the past…