Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

I got pregnant and cut my hair

By Babylove Network | June 24, 2021

I have always taken care of babies and loved it, having seen two of my younger sisters being born. My elder brother’s sons have also visited and stayed with me frequently so I thought I knew a lot about pregnancy and babies-till I got pregnant. Nothing ever prepared me for the all-day sickness and strange…

Everything about my last scan

By Babylove Network | June 24, 2021

BlG and getting BIGGER! That in a nutshell defines my second pregnancy. When I asked my husband to point out something unique about this pregnancy he said, ‘Bigger!’ One of the BIG challenges is Sasha my first born son who is two-and-a-half-years old. He has always been daddy’s boy, but now stands guard next to mummy…

Sexuality transmitted diseases can kill baby and you

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) could be one of the worst nightmares for any expectant woman. One gets STDs through sex, which includes oral and anal, with someone-who is infected. On the physical front, 57Ds could be life-threatening to both you and your baby, especially if they are not detected and treated early Most healthcare providers…

A Cheery Valentine’s Surprise

By Babylove Network | July 1, 2021

A Cheery Valentine’s Surprise ‘If I had a clue, I would have worn something that emphasizes more curves you know,’ said Panda, and we both laughed ruefully. ‘I can assure you that you aren’t doing that badly, you have one big curve that I can see from the moon!’ I said pointing a naughty finger…

Clamping down on Leg cramps

By Babylove Network | July 6, 2021

It is not uncommon to experience leg cramps during pregnancy. A lot of pregnant women suffer from muscle spasms in their legs, with cramping more frequent during the evening. Leg cramps are more common in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and happen most often at night. ‘I usually wake up in the middle…

Sylvia Owori

By Babylove Network | June 25, 2021

Sylvia is not just a fashion designer; she is an entrepreneur with various business interests…..and the publisher of African Woman magazine. She talks to Babylove Network about her career, pregnancy and love life. THIS is my first pregnancy, It is a very different experience from anything else I have gone through. I am used to…

10 ways to be baby-ready!

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

1. Talk with your doctor in advance 2. Work towards the correct weight 3. Avoid stress – stay positive 4. Sleep well – eight hours 5. Take enough water – eight glasses a day 6. Take your recommended dose of folic acid, calcium and other minerals 7. Get insurance that covers your pregnancy 8. Plan…

The absent pregnant father

By Babylove Network | July 9, 2021

The queue at the clinic is always dotted with the pregnant woman, and never the pregnant man. Why is this so, is it because the man is discouraged from entering the doctor’s chamber, or is it out of choice? Our nurse lets us in on the reason why. ’Does that allow you to hear the…

Panty speak- Yes to more sex

By Babylove Network | June 27, 2021

Great sex calls for lots of attention and honest discussion to alley anxiety, fear and wipe out myths and misconceptions, says Esther Chege, Lamaze childbirth educator and a lactation consultant.She tells us more … Expectant mums who come to my classes rarely bring up the sex subject, unless there is an infection or an unusual…

Esther Cheptoek Boyo

By Babylove Network | July 2, 2021

Seven months along in her pregnancy, her sashay is intact, her body is just as tight and her chin remains elegantly lifted The only difference is the gentle little bump that flatters her graceful whereabouts and her pregnancy glow that playfully teases her exotically chiselled bone structure and her, somewhat, distant roguish look – all…