Be a gracious host

Hosting a successful dinner is every hosts’ desire. But this becomes a challenge when large numbers are involved, for Christmas is about people and food. Here is what to do to ensure it turns out so. Guest list Prepare a guest list and keep in mind that not all of your invites will attend. The…

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Dealing with the aftermath of the Christmas party

The party has been great. You have just seen the last guest off, and the rest of the household has retired to sleep. As you too call it a day you cannot help but suddenly notice that your house looks like it has been hit by a hurricane. Not to worry, here is what to…

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Making money during Christmas

Christmas time is a time to spend. But is there a way that one can make some extra money during this period? One way of doing this is by targeting the money-spenders; and by giving thought to what might interest them and their families. You could plan early so that people can start purchasing your…

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Their Christmas gifts-do you need help?

Christmas is a time for giving and receiving. There are those among us who do not necessarily want anything. Then there are those who seem to have everything, making it hard for you to pick something for them. So how do you make the gift shopping experience easier and fun? When it comes to exchanging…

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15 easy ideas for Christmas décor

The Christmas season for most people is indeed a busy time. This is more so when it finds you pregnant, for you may find that you have little or no energy left to decorate your home. Dedicating time to find unique and high quality ideas for Christmas decoration may be the last thing on your…

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Boredom busters at Christmas time

Christmas is a most enjoyable time for both kids and grown ups. It is a time when almost everyone has a long holiday; a chance for you to meet your loved ones. But how do you occupy your time together with fun activities? Below are some suggestions that you could use to improve the quality…

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Budgeting for college – It’s never too early

Congratulations, you are now proud parents of a bouncing baby. As you hold her, swelling with pride, 18 years from now seems too remote to worry about. ‘I have plenty of time to save for her education, you think confidently. So you keep putting it off. Before you know it, your bundle of joy is…

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First Word 46

Let us teach kids how to give The horrific scene, a couple of months ago, of two kids suckling their dead mother in Turkana in Kenya was heartbreaking. As a result, the nation was so moved that a rallying call raised more than half a billion Kenya shillings to assist families ravaged by drought and…

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Rib Cracker 46

‘Before I got married, I had six theories abut bringing up children. Now, I have six children and no theories.’ -John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester ‘People who say they sleep like babies usually don’t have them! – Leo J. Burke If you are pregnant and jobless, it’s time you stopped making applications for a job…

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Bizarre-bizarre 39

Phantom Car Crash On December 11, 2002, two motorists called the police to report seeing a car veering off the A3 trunk road with headlights blazing at Burnham in Surrey. A thorough search uncovered a car concealed in dense undergrowth and the long-dead driver nearby. It turned out that the crash had actually happened five…

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Golden containers

For a savoury site I am writing this article after my wife and I bade kwaheri to one of our good friends. No, she is not going abroad. But the sheer fact that she is leaving Nairobi for Mombasa and we shall not see much of each other often, just makes my girl sad. With…

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First Word 39

The meaning of “Daddy” Let’s face it. Pregnancy, birth and parenting are not walk-overs. It takes hard work, focus, determination, patience and above all, perseverance. I can say this boldly because after all, I am a mother and I have been through the drill in fact, I am still in the field battling it out.…

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Giving meaning to the UPPER ROOM

The year 2009 is half spent and it is worth taking stock of where we are. It is time to evaluate the goals we set at the beginning of the New Year. While some of us have done a great job at accomplishing our set goals, others are still caught up in a never-ending struggle…

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First Word 25

Hey! I must confess I find it very fascinating to watch or hear my children communicating with their daddy. It always fills me with joy to see him focus and listen to them. On the other hand, my kids say things that leave me awed at how a child’s brain develops—in leaps and bounds. Every…

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Rest, reflection, renewal

Sitting in Nairobi’s traffic jam the other day, I could feel my body become tense as anxiety welled up in me. I was running late despite leaving the house an hour earlier than usual. The discussion on the FM station did not help-all the news about Kenya and Africa, for that matter, was distressing. Most…

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Strengthening your relationships

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of…

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Costing before Christmas

Christmas is here, again. Your heart is full of anticipation, with promises of rest after a year’s hard work. You dread being left out as others have a meaningful celebration. Everyone is in a spendthrift mood. Among the expenses topping your list are travel, buying gifts for family and friends and of course food for…

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Pregnant with life

Pregnant with life Suddenly, everyone around you is pregnant: Mostly with child but with other things too. You could say: Children are pregnant with dreams. Teenagers are pregnant with broken dreams and contusion—‘When and should I say yes to sex or should I at all?* Post-teens are pregnant with shattered dreams and surprise— ‘Oh no.…

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Golden kitchen rules

The kitchen is an important part of the house. This is where all foods are prepared and when you think of food, you also want to think of cleanliness and high hygiene. Here are a few rules that will help you maintain order in this very important room: » Always wash your hands before handling…

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Nurturing You to the best You

Likewise, the maternal instinct is one of man’s most powerful forces. Right from conception, bonding between mother and child begins. As the umbilical cord continually provides everything a foetus needs to thrive in the womb, the bond develops Many psychologists believe that after the cord is cut, a whole new level of physical and emotional…

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If you want to stay away from unsolicited sex

Keep off men’s residences, particularly their bedrooms. Men’s residences Women who find themselves getting raped in a boyfriend’s house usually do not even scream when assaulted because they are embarrassed, since they took themselves there. Later they blame themselves. Caution: If you want to stay away from unsolicited sex, keep off men’s residences, particularly their…

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Being your own Lawyer

Sometimes the money is not enough to do what needs to be done, leaving you on your own to do the necessary representing yourself in court, and being your own lawyer. Yes it is possible. There are instances where the law may allow you to forego having a lawyer such as; when you need to…

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Training your house help to be effective

‘Since I returned to work four months ago, I have had four house helps. The first could not explain bruises on my son’s head and leg … ‘ One does not have to look far to hear of what house helps have or have not done, the better part being horror stories. You too, probably…

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Starting your own business

You have been thinking about setting up your own business for a while. Often women find that the most challenging part of starting their own business is the early phase- the start off phase. Where do you start? Where to do you get the information? Where do you get ideas? While there are some people who…

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Life is just…

Life is just … well life. It is a package of things that make you punch the air with joy; those that make you want to remain under the covers with gloom or times that make you simply drag by because you are just so bored. Things never seem to stay the same, which is all…

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First Word 40

Gentlemen can do better! ‘This business of you just filling your stomachs and leaving (the dining room) as if nothing has happened has to stop!’ our high school headmaster would warn us. He had been irked by our tendency of leaving plates on tables after meals for the cooks to clean. Considering that we were…

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First word 7

Hi A reader recently enquired whether having sex while pregnant, can stimulate a miscarriage. There seems to be a lot of uncertainty among couples on the place of sex in their relationship, once pregnancy is confirmed. For some, the thought of having sex while pregnant is repulsive: for others it is scary, while some say…

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