Pinky’s Sex Party
I cannot believe how time is flying. When the pregnancy started off, with all the sickness, I was counting hours so that the days would pass. Now I am almost done. My panic now is how am I going to handle two children? I have spoken to so many mothers who shake their heads and say ‘the dynamic changes drastically’.
I have been so used to being just the three of us (plus two dogs and a few fish), what do I do now? I am really freaking out about how I am going to manage my time, share the love, and give these two little beings my all. I take my hats off to mamas who have 2 or 3 children and make it look like a breeze. I am having sleepless nights with all sorts of what ifs going on in my mind!
What if the baby feels left out? What if Ariyana gets jealous? What if I don’t produce enough milk? What if I produce too much milk? What if the second time around I have a boy and he pees in my hair? What if my sleep is lost forever? Sigh, there are some trivial thoughts, but as a woman, I must torture myself with countless scenarios, so that I know I have gone through each and every possible problem and got a solution.
Who said parenting was easy? I try to explain to Ariyana that this little being will be too little to play and talk initially. I am also trying to make her understand that her mamas time may now be divided. She doesn’t like that. She shakes her head and tells me that her papa will feed the baby and she and I can still play together. Oh gosh, what if I am overcome by guilt? Another what if!!!!
Now I am going to start work on the nursery. I love this part. So much creativity goes into it and I suppose it is a great way for time to pass quicker. The movements in my belly are amazing. That is also the best part of pregnancy. Everyone says that I am glowing, so I am in the good phase!
An idea that a friend of mine had and executed twice really well that I thought I would share with you is a sex party.
Now, now mamas…………. I know the hormones can be on overdrive and your mind is probably thinking of something else, but let me stop you in your tracks and tell you it is NOT that kind of a sex party. Some parents like to find out the sex of their baby – just so it makes it easier for them to plan and shop for their mini one’s arrival.
These are the general rules for a sex party. When you go for the scan and the doctor asks if you want to know the sex, both parents say no but they ask the doctor to write it down and place it in a sealed envelope. This envelope is then passed on to a family member or a best friend who then is in charge of planning the sex party.
The sex party can be elaborate or small – depending on what the parents feel and of course budgets. You can theme it and have fun with it. The idea is that when guests walk in they are asked to guess the sex of the baby. This can be done by them wearing ribbons or bands in either pink or blue. The party then goes on, you can throw in some games as well. Then comes the time for the reveal. Some people opt to put the colour of icing either blue or pink in the middle of the cake (if there is a cake) or to put the secret envelope in the balloons that guests take turns popping.
If your guest is wearing the correct colour of the sex of the baby – i.e. if it is a girl and some guests chose the pink ribbons, they get a prize or share cake. If they are in the wrong colour, they have to chug down some alcohol or do something silly. It is a fun way to celebrate the sex of the child and in a way welcoming the baby. It can also be fun to see the reaction people’s faces when you tell them you are inviting them to a sex party!!
Anyway, I have to get back to worrying and wondering. But being in this position it is amazing how things work out. God is a real miracle worker in that regard, everything just seems to fall into place. I am a third child and I never felt like I was left out or didn’t get enough love. I just hope that I can do as good a job as many of the mothers who have more than one child with regards to upbringing, giving love and spending time. I never thought I would have to think so much about it!
Taking each day at a time I guess, that’s the way to go!
Thanks for your feedback and if you have any questions do let me know?
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