The Magic of Motherhood
[Pinky Ghelani’s Blog Post at Babylove Network, after her last (past) pregnancy – 2014]
Well, if this journey has not been an eye opener, I cannot say what has. My friend threw me a baby shower this weekend. It was spectacular! She went all out and made sure that attention was paid to every little detail. She even included my daughter in the event – that was an adults only lunch – but she managed to get Ariyana there in spirit which was especially moving.
Thank you so much Sonal it was such a generous gesture and something that will last a lifetime in regards to memories! Wow. As you can see from our happy pic – we had a wonderful time.
What I mean is – babies have their own fate and own luck. Even before the child is born it seems to bring an abundance of blessings with it. It magically transforms your life. Getting rid of the old, making way for the new.
Have you ever noticed how there is a total shift in your life when you are carrying a baby and another shift when baby comes?
I heard that I was too old to have a baby the other day. This tickled me pink (pardon the pun). It was a discussion between some people. I was amused because I didn’t think that it was anyone’s business but my own. We live in a world where women are pregnant in their 40’s and even in their 50’s. Who are we to judge? In my late 30’s – it has not been an easy feat to carry this child, but it is the way it is. God’s way. I cannot even question it. I would say that for the day and age we live in a child is a blessing direct from the man above and to be able to carry a child – that in itself is so amazing that I laugh at those who nay say or judge.
If I think about it, if I had had children in my 20’s I would have been a very different mother. Today I have the time for my kids, I can take time out to be and enjoy the pregnancy. In my 20’s there was so much I needed to do, to accomplish and I didn’t know much so what wisdom would I impart with? I am just speaking from a personal level. Unto each to their own. I know some very wise 20 something year olds.. But it was not for me.
There are several things I have to say about motherhood and what it has taught me;
- To stop apologizing for who I am, if you don’t like me, too bad – I like me, my daughter thinks the world of me – and that is the most important person in my life.
- To love my body – right now, I feel like a bus. I hate my face so round, but I am creating life. I know that I may not get back to a size zero (I don’t think I ever was a size zero) but when I look at my skinny pics..I don’t think I looked so fab. Now I see why my mother kept saying am too thin.
- To speak my mind – when necessary. As with toddler tantrums I choose my battles. If you are not worth a fight I will not even react, reach out, respond, reply, whatever. And if you insist, I will tell it as it is – the reason I may be avoiding you is because you may not like what I say – so I would rather not say anything.
- To be who I am without the facades. No matter what or who times change and people will change. I feel bad that I am bringing my children up in such a selfish world, but it is my duty that I teach them to grow thick skin, show respect where it is due and never take stuff too personally. After all, it is never that serious!
Everyone says that my due date is fast approaching. I feel like it is a million years away! What is it about pregnancy that makes time slow down? I will miss being preggers – everything about it – yes, even the sickness and the metal taste in my mouth – but I don’t think I will do this again.
Although at the shower my friends said never say never.
Until the next blog…. hope you are enjoying your pregnancy.