My determination to have a baby

She stayed in her mother’s womb longer than expected. She has lived with a hole in the heart that was discovered when she was twenty years old. Doctors say that carrying a weight above 50kgs could threaten her life. Now at 30 weeks pregnant and weighing 42kgs Malaika Wasikenda shares her joy with Elizabeth Ombati at the thought of finally having a child to call her own.

My mother has always told me that she had a difficult pregnancy when she conceived me. I was born later than expected (two months after the due date). My father would come to pick mother from hospital only to find that I had not yet been born. He tells me that he almost gave up on me.
I have been a weakling since my birth. Chest pains and frequent fainting spells were part of what t experienced. Most of my early childhood was spent in hospitals. Sadly, my exact ailment could not be detected. I ruled out marriage for the reason that no man would marry a weakling.

In 2002 while in campus. I fainted and in the hospital, a startling revelation was made. Tests showed that I had lived with a hole in the heart all my life. It explained why I had all along been a weakling. The hole cannot close, and I have to take medication for the rest of my life. In my mind. I could not imagine a man who would be ready to shoulder my burdens, already too big for me to handle.

But when I met Hillary, (my husband), I realized that nothing is impossible. He proposed and at first I thought he was not serious. I felt as though I would be a let down and he would give up on me because my condition would not allow me to perform most house chores. I was wrong! He instead made me feel very normal and instantly became my caregiver.
He acquainted himself with my cardiologist and learnt more on how to handle a heart patient. Initially, when he asked for my hand in marriage, my parents were skeptical, but they did change their minds and agreed after meeting him. We eventually wedded in 2006. My then weight was 39Kgs and I was 26 years old.

Luckily I did conceive on March 30th and my baby is due in December. Most people aware of my condition got shocked on learning of my pregnancy and have keenly been following my progress, albeit worried.

The doctors’ caution was that my weight should not go beyond 50kg otherwise it would force them to remove the baby, even if premature, and have him in an incubator. I may have to go through a C-section due to the weakness of the heart. I have been on bed rest since this pregnancy commenced.

Trying moment
On the 12th week of my pregnancy, I decided to surprise my husband with a wonderful dinner. I went shopping and did not give much thought to how I would carry it. I went up the stairs alright and once in the kitchen as I laid the stuff down, I realized I was bleeding. I was terrified. I ran all the way to hospital, barefoot. Thank Cod it was nothing serious. The doctor attributed the bleeding to too much strain.

Best moments
I have not had morning sickness and my appetite has improved greatly. I also love when my baby’s kicks.

I have been given three different dates for my EDD, something I do not understand. I am waiting and praying that my baby comes on Christmas day.

END: PG18/23

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