Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Malezi Bora-Afya Leo ni Uzima Kesho

By Babylove Network | July 31, 2021

What is Malezi Bora? It is an initiative by Ministry of Health and partners to promote use of routine health services for mother and child in all health facilities. You can promote good health and well being of children through the following key steps: 1. Healthy pregnancy: As soon as you know you are pregnant,…

Kinder – bites

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

There is something about your children’s growth that inspires you to try out as many recipes as possible— so that they clear up their plate every meal time. With their fluctuating appetites, you will have to experiment with various types of food. Here, we discuss the making of banana bread that can be eaten in…

Your Word 32

By Babylove Network | August 2, 2021

BabyLove your baby growth care guide from birth to childhood Send your mail to: The Editor, Babylove, P.O. Box 11463 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Or send your sms to: +254 722 624174 E-mail; babylove@integral-advisory.co.ke Only mail with your name, postal address and daytime telephone number can be published. The identity of the writer may be…

SHOPPING With Your Toddler?

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

How to save yourself trouble—and cash! Emma Odaba recently visited various supermarkets and reports what she saw—from babies in trolleys with foodstuffs, to toddlers wetting the floor! Some toddlers did actually cost their parents both trouble and some cash. No one can deny that going to a supermarket with your infant or toddler is likely…

Attending To Her Bruise

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

A bruise occurs when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken as a result of a bang on the skin. Blood leaks into the skin causing colour change on the bruised area to reddish, which is easily visible, especially for lighter skin. It then changes to purplish (blue-black), and eventually to dark brown as the bruised…

HARD baby ‘poo’

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

MARY a new mom, recently noticed that whenever she changed her ten-month-old baby’s diaper, it either had very hard excreta or none at all. She became worried when she noticed her baby’s condition had not changed by the end of one week. She. therefore, decided to rush the baby to the hospital where it was…

How to nurture healthy eating habits in children

By Babylove Network | July 31, 2021

Good nutrition is the bedrock of lifelong health, and it begins in infancy. Healthy eating can stabilise children’s energy, sharpen their minds, and even improve their concentration throughout the day There are simple steps that parents can take to instill healthy eating habits in their kids, without turning meal times into a battle zone. By encouraging healthy eating habits now,…

Tidy-up steps

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

1. Place all the dirty clothes in a laundry basket. Encourage your child to help. Sing cleaning hymns, race against a timer or toss clothes into fun laundry baskets like basketball hoop. Set a timer and make a game of putting the items in the appropriate places around the house to make cleaning your child’s…

First word 3

By Babylove Network | June 22, 2021

HI!. Has your baby ever fallen on a really hard floor? Like on a cement floor and with such a loud thud that everyone present was speechless for a moment and then everyone was running towards the baby the next moment? How many times does your baby fall while in the care of other people,…

Funny things kids say…37

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Funny things parents say If you don’t finish your food Richard (neighbour’s younger kid) will grow taller than you. To a crying six-year-old boy. ‘A-a-ah! Stop that. Men don’t cry.’ I am going to the market, take of care my child. If I meet the child crying or if you make him fall, you will…