We are excited!

Kevin and Dorcas Kenyanya are reveling in expectancy. Their life is changing— for the better. They let Elizabeth Ombati into the reason for their excitement.

How has the pregnancy changed your life?
Kevin: Knowing that I will be a dad in a few months is awesome. I have become more conscious of the food we eat, how soon I get home from work and my availability in and around the house. I have been more prayerful, basing on the truth that good things come from God.

For starters, I don’t think I will ever get used to all the stares. I have literally become a walking monument! I however do not blame them. Pregnant women are just very beautiful.

Secondly, I cannot sleep on any side or position for more than two hours—I keep turning and adjusting pillows. I sleep with one under my head, another under my bump and another between my knees while my husband dreams the nights away. I sometimes move close to him so he can also be kicked!

My weight has also shot up. I have added 20kgs. (54Kgs to 74kgs so far). None of my clothes fit (sadly) but am grateful (for the bigger bust and bootie!). I love the fact that this pregnancy has given me huge bursts of energy, I walk about a kilometer daily, which I hope to benefit from come the EDD.

Being pregnant has made me think more about the future and about the kind of life I want for me and my family.

Any complications?
I had a worrisome moment after falling off a lorry I had been driving one rainy day when alighting. I rushed to hospital and tests showed that the baby’s heartbeat had dropped. My hip and knees hurt and I limped for some hours. This was soon forgotten however, as I was up and about the following day.

I also wish that I did not have to deal with awful heartburn, aches in the lower back and the half-slept nights. But I am focusing on the fact that I will be having a cute baby after all. It is worth going to the ends of the earth for.

Do you have cravings?
The cravings! If mangoes could talk, they’d accuse me. I have devoured them over the days. I have also eaten bunches and bunches of sweet bananas and have barely walked past roasted maize and calcium stones. The worst of my cravings however is wet soil. I want to eat soil but I cannot find a clean tree to pick the termite soil from. Whenever I see it. I make a conscious effort to keep my hand from reaching out to it. You know what men do on the tree trunks… the thought is repulsive.

Do you know the sex of the baby?

Kevin: Yes and we have chosen an English name. Since we come From different tribes, we are to select two African names from our two tribes.

When is your EDD?
The ultra sound shows it will be in May but the doctor says I am cue from April 27th. I want a normal delivery thus praying against complications.

‘Baby-on-the-way’: What feeling do you get from that?

Kevin: One of great anticipation, I am ready to bend backward to provide for my young one. beyond what my dear parents generously availed. The bar is set very high.

What I actually feel is more than words can say. The thought of a human life being formed inside my womb is mind blowing. In that vein. I intend to put off having a house-help for the first four months of my baby’s life. I want us to bond.

A word to the fellow expectant mother
Eat healthy, sleep, walk or do any other safe exercise. Book your intended hospitals on time and ensure you have a look inside the wards and get an idea of what you will encounter on your delivery day.

Other than that, enjoy the kicks, listen to soothing music, do as much research as you can concerning pregnancy, relish the support of your partner and involve him in your experiences. Make him feel involved by letting him iron the new baby clothes, looking for baby names, shopping for baby stuff together etc.

I never thought that at 24. I would be married and expectant. Now that it has happened I love every minute of it. The attention and support from my husband is just the icing on the cake! But I advice any woman wishing to get pregnant to ensure you have a supportive partner by your side.

A word for the expectant dad
Kevin: Be there for your wife as much as possible. Try to understand her always, as some things she does or says during pregnancy may have their origins in planet Pluto! Cherish the joys of your baby’s kicks, movements and foetal hiccups: because you begin connecting with your baby even before you lock eyes.

END: PG21/24-25

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