When wishes become horses

Many times our wishes and desires don’t come to pass. Most of us actually live and die with a million unaccomplished dreams. ‘I wish I was a millionaire. I wish I would live in Disneyland, I wish I were President…* Occasionally, there are those unlikely childhood dreams that come through. Think of the current President of the United States of America who, while in Kindergarten wrote an essay titled ‘I want to be President’ (how genius!). Like a plot from a fiction motion picture, a six-year-old boy’s dream caught up with him four decades later. How inspiring!

While in our last year of college a student friend told me. ‘I wish I were pregnant.’ The fact that she used the word ’wish’ made her bizarre desire a little acceptable. But considering how powerful the tongue can be. I told her to be careful about her wishes. Two years later and her tummy clearly showed that her wish had finally been met. At least she was well prepared, seeing the glimmering ring on her finger.

‘I wish I were pregnant.’ five words that keep popping up in my mind of late. Have I caught a certain bug? I wonder. I tell my pregnant friends. ‘I wish I were pregnant.’ Some tell me that I do not know what I am wishing for, while others smile and say it is not a very hard task, however, highlighting numerous conditions to meet before I get there.

As I strive towards meeting these conditions, I have asked my other ’un-pregnant’ friends what they think about getting expectant. The answers are varied:

‘I am looking forward to having a baby but not in my current financial circumstances. I have to wait a little longer for my career to mature enough to have a command in the economic world. Then I definitely want to have walked down the aisle first, that is, establish a sound foundation for my baby to be. I want to give her what I never got. In the meantime. I will be working on the relationship with my partner.  At least I can afford that.’ Fatma

‘Getting pregnant needs a lot of planning—financially and emotionally. There is need for your hubby to offer the necessary support when your body seems awfully awry. I do not wish to get pregnant any time soon, but I really love pregnant women, which is a sign that when I finally get the big belly. I will be in love with myself, big time’. Beaty

‘I cannot wait to have the bulge. I feel ready in every way—emotionally, socially and even financially—save for the gentleman.’ Agnes

‘I am in the process of amassing wealth so I can be THE FATHER. That’s why I am taking my time. My child must get the basics and much much more.’ Bonny

‘I look at mothers and fathers holding their babies and it evokes an ‘I have to get mine’  feeling. If only I did not have to see that…’ Lisa

‘I know being a dad is a great feeling. I cannot wait! But being a major transition in life, my better half and I have to be really prepared. James

I wish them well in their wishes: these wishes which many would ask for a little more time to ride on had they been horses.

END: PG21/29

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