Shy moments 17


I wanted to surprise my mother-in-law with news of my pregnancy because she had always wanted a baby soonest. My bump was not as big in my fifth month of pregnancy and my ‘pregnant surprise’ plan was coming along quite well. In the house, I like wearing short tops that would expose my bump.

On this day, my husband had left for the market to buy me fruits; I was all alone in the house, enjoying parading in front of the mirror, admiring my tummy. I heard a knock on the door and hurriedly went to open it. I knew it was my hubby.

Grinning from ear to ear, I yanked open the door, and alas! In front of me stood my mother-in-law. Her smile suddenly turned to a surprising look at the sight of bulging my tummy. I had a lot of explaining to do. I ran to my bedroom, red-faced with embarrassment.

During my pregnancy, I had the habit of opening my trousers to enable me to feel more comfortable.
I always remember to zip up before leaving my desk. This particular day though, it did not occur to me to zip up before standing.

I felt a sudden urge to say hello to my colleague seated at the far end of the open office. Feeling relaxed and confident as I walked across the room, I could not help but notice the glances that were directed my way. I felt so proud to be pregnant. ‘I must be glowing to attract all this attention,’ I thought.

On reaching my destination, my friend who had seen me walk all the way blurted out, ‘zippy, I could not shout, but why is your fly open? I wished the earth would swallow me.

I look young for my age. I also had my son when I was quite young. He is now in high school. Together, we look like two siblings, not like the parent and child we are. One day I took him to school and I met this elderly new teacher. He was sure that I was my son’s sister, but we convinced him otherwise. I established a rapport with him and said goodbye. After some months I was to take my boy to school, after the holidays. The jolly old man called me into his office and we got to chat. He told me in a fatherly tone. Am glad to see that you are starting to add weight. You were very skinny when I first met you.’ I looked at him lost for words. How could I tell him that I was three months pregnant?

Pregnancy has a side to it that can make an expectant woman cringe, wondering what has become of their behavior. My pregnancy brought with it a strange urge to spit often and everywhere. I wanted to visit a doctor but my husband told me the spitting was natural and would disappear on its own. I was driving to church one Sunday morning and there was so much saliva in my mouth.

I stopped the car at an intersection for pedestrians to pass. I wanted to reach for tissues but saliva was building up too fast, giving me a terrible feeling. I rolled down my car window and out went the spit. But before I could roll the window up, I heard a young girl scream ‘Daddy! Hiyo ni Nini?’ (What is that?) I did not have time to see where the spit had fallen. The traffic lights turned green, coming to my rescue. I drove like I was being chased. How dare I?
END: BL17/72

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