Our baby so far…Melissa Wanjiru Peterson’s story

Our baby so far…Melissa Wanjiru Peterson’s story

It is amazing that my husband first discovered that I was pregnant before I did. To be precise, a week after I conceived. From the onset we knew that our baby would be a boy. The ultrasound was exciting.

Nothing was as awesome as seeing my baby’s image so clear through a four dimension scan! I could see his hands, toes, skin and the ears—it was lovely. He even seemed to smile at me. That was my best moment. Through the phone, I could tell my husband was just as excited. Now, I cannot wait to see my baby after birth.

I have shopped for his clothes, which are bright-coloured, as medics have been quoted saying bright colours help a baby develop intelligently.

My EDD is on my wedding anniversary. The issue of the matching dates is surely, a great coincidence.


When I was five months pregnant. I started having painful contractions and was convinced I was having a premature labour.

I rushed to the hospital and had a series of tests and a scan. To my relief, the doctor established that the baby and I were fine. He explained that the probable cause of my pain was due to the expansion of my uterine walls to accommodate the growing baby. I have not had anymore pain since.

Then came the time I passed out. I have always had a low haemoglobin count (anaemic), even before I got pregnant. So in my 22nd week of gestation, I fainted, compelling me to seek medical attention. Again the doctor gave me a clean bill of health, save for the slight iron deficiency. I was prescribed for iron tablets, which I am faithfully taking.


I have not added much weight—only 6kgs. I have also become more detailed about my surroundings. I love the attention that a pregnant woman receives from society.


Since my husband is white, we have agreed on adopting names for the baby that will be easy to pronounce.

Last Word

I already love my baby and I am planning to let him be a man of his own. I will let him do what will please him. for I am confident that he will receive the sound judgement I will expose him to.

And Mikkel Petersen says…


Expectant women. I have always admired the glow on them. I have two sisters who have five children and they always glowed whenever they were expectant. Therefore, I could not wait for Melissa’s turn. About halfway through the pregnancy, I saw it. This wonderful special thing that makes her seem super-healthy. It was fantastic, to say the least. She has never been more beautiful.


Melissa’s rush of nest-building. She wants to make a home that will be a safe place for the baby and us. Despite the fact that I have always seen her as somebody who would be a great mother, pregnancy has made her even more mature. Her motherhood skills are sharpening way before our child’s coming, and this pleases me greatly.

Her cravings

Pineapple. At least it is not something nasty or weird. like rice with whipped cream.


She is not eating enough! I wonder whether she is feeding adequately for herself and the baby. Otherwise, everything else is in place.


I have prepared mentally and physically. I want to be a great father, more so for Melissa’s sake who seems to have it all together. I feel ready to care for, provide and protect this child.


It has been hard to shop together because we live in different countries, but we have both secured lots of baby stuff. As she purchases clothes, carriers, beds and other baby items, I get tons of information on nursing, advice, medical issues, day-care, and any other practical thing that needs to be in order. Since she got pregnant, I have also been searching for a bigger house to give the baby ample room.


To support Melissa and do everything I can to ensure she is protected.


When we learned that Melissa was pregnant. Though planned, seeing those lines on the pregnancy test kit was amazing. It got us closer than ever before. The truth that we had created life was very beautiful.

The other joyful moment was when we learned the baby’s sex.

Sad times

Not being by her side during the ultra-sound. We, however, communicated while she was in the examination room.

Sex preference

None of us had a preferred sex, but the moment my wife found out that it was a boy, the joy was overwhelming.


I have not had to change much. However, I have to choose my words more carefully, for she occasionally gets sensitive. I also quit smoking. The pregnancy has made me mature too. At 37, I have been told I do not look or act my age. Getting married and having a child come soon is, however, making me more responsible. Now I have to support, provide and protect my family, a ‘job’ I take on with great pleasure.

Will you be her birth partner?

Definitely. I would love to be by her side every step of the way and allow her to crush my hand as she delivers. I want to experience the miracle of giving birth.

Last Word

The medical world should make it possible for men to get pregnant too so that both parties can have their turn in experiencing pregnancy.

END: PG 16/21-22

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