Fridah Njoki- Changing for divine

If there is a time eating is important, it is during pregnancy.

How is your eating at this time?
My eating habits have really changed. I can hardly have enough of my food. I have also had seasons of cravings; there was a time for sugarcane, then cakes. Potatoes also had their time, and now I can’t have enough of oranges and biscuits! I totally hate chicken. I haven’t tasted it since month two.

Have your social patterns been affected?
Yes. There have been a lot of changes. I have become more mature and independent. I have also been able to identify who my true friends are, and as it turned out, my previous friends are not the ones I have now. I find it easier to associate with people who have babies since they understand.

What about your professional life?
I am not working with any company presently because my pregnancy journey got a bit too rough for that. I intend to continue with my studies then look for employment later on.

What are these challenges you have been facing?
I developed high blood pressure at some point due to stress, but it has since gone down thanks to my brother who has been of big help. I have had to do a lot of things on my own which is challenging because of the pregnancy weight. My sleeping patterns have also been disturbed now that I cannot toss and turn as much as I want. I have also not been having enough rest as house chores keep calling.

And do you have some grand times?
I love it when the baby kicks and plays! It’s a great feeling. The baby has also made me and my mum such close friends. The baby happens to kick violently whenever she’s around and seems to respond with moves when she hears her singing praises. How amazing! I also appreciate the power of God. My relationship with God has also grown tremendously.

What will the baby find when they finally show up?
First of all, a path to stardom. I want make them a star. They will find a great uncle (My brother); he’s already planning to take her out! And my mum will be a super grandma-she has already scored points with the baby even before she’s born! They will surely find the greatest grandpa, and will not escape his favourite phrase: sit, eat and grow fat!

Have you had some scary moments?
From the many stories I have heard on delivery, the thought of giving birth terrifies me, but I am glad that everyone’s experience is not the same. There was also this time when I was so stressed and put my doctor through hell because I couldn’t feel the baby’s movements for a whole day. Then they finally kicked. I guess it was the baby’s way of telling me to stop stressing her.

What names do you have lined up for the baby?
My mum and I came up with the name Kayla Divine Njoki. Kayla means ‘who is like God’, Divine means ‘heavenly’ and Njoki is of course after my mother.

How do you plan to raise her?
I consider this baby a gift from God considering the road has not been easy. Without a doubt, there will be a lot of adjustments to make because I intend to dedicate all my time to the baby and my studies. I pray for God’s grace to balance all my expectations.

END: PG 34 /21

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