
When you get pregnant, mostly, lumpy fatty skin forms on your tummy, thighs, knees, hips and underarms. Now, cellulite is a build up of small pockets of fat deposits that make ‘fat dimples’ on body parts, giving an orange-peel-look. And if you are of the 21st Century, you are likely to consider this look so unsightly that the attacked body parts never see the light of day regardless of whether you are strolling on a hot beach or the doctor needs to give you a jab. Meaning, it ‘cells’ you up!

The most common causes for the formation of these fat deposits is excess weight, lack of exercise, poor diet, water retention, hormonal changes and poor circulation of blood.

Fighting it
Fighting cellulite while pregnant is very necessary, as you get to maintain a healthy pregnant self as well. This consists of a balanced diet, exercise and hygiene. Drinking a lot of water also helps to detoxify. This not only helps prevent the unsightly lumps, but also contributes to having a healthy baby.

Cream or lotion
However, if you had cellulite before pregnancy and have tried the healthy lifestyle but nothing doing, then constant application of a good cellulite cream or lotion becomes a necessity to reduce the appearance of the lumps. A good cream will provide the body with nutrients needed to repair the damaged skin.

While applying the cream or lotion by massage, the action increases circulation thus reducing the horrid cellulite manifestation. It is however important to always consult a gynaecologist before trying on the cellulite cream or lotion to ensure it guarantees safety for both your kicking baby and yourself.

Major victims
Regardless of the cellulite cause, one thing is for certain: women get it far more often than men due to the hormonal changes especially during puberty or pregnancy. This is due to the difference in the way fat, muscle and connective tissues are distributed in women and men.

Besides, your genes as well as the thickness of your skin play large role in determining just how much cellulite shows up on your body.

Good news
In most cases, the unattractive skin will reduce-or, thankfully, totally disappear after delivery, particularly, if you continue maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise.

END: PG20/7

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