Edition Contents
Each BlogSpot edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the features. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

List of features in this edition


Asthmatic Baby

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Asthma is a recurrent condition, affecting the airways in the lungs. It is characterised by coughing, wheezing(whistling sound in the chest), and difficulty in breathing. What causes asthma in children? Asthma is an allergic condition that tends to occur in families. That is, it is hereditary. Several members of one family may have asthma or…

Shopping with your toddler?

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How to save yourself trouble—and cash! Emma Odaba recently visited various supermarkets and reports what she saw—from babies in trolleys with foodstuffs, to toddlers wetting the floor! Some toddlers did actually cost their parents both trouble and some cash. No one can deny that going to a supermarket with your infant or toddler is likely…

Sexually assaulted babies

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When I was a young girl in lower primary, there was tragic news that boys from St Kizito School had sexually abused and killed several of their fellow female students. That was in the nineties. I thought then that was madness, but today I do not know what to call the goings-on in Kenya.  There…

Undescended testicles.

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Is your baby boy at risk? One of the examinations that a doctor performs upon the birth of a baby boy, is a thorough review of the baby’s genitals. This is done to confirm that both testicles, or testes, are in their normal position in the scrotum. It is not unusual for babies, particularly premature…

Childhood immunization

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Immunization enables the body to recognize and destroy disease agents. The importance of immunizing cannot be overemphasized, writes PATRICK OMUGA. What is immunization? Immunization, also known as vaccination, works by stimulating the immune system—the natural disease fighting system of the body. A healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce…

Does your baby have jaundice?

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Have you seen a newborn baby with yellow skin or yellow eyeballs? If yes, chances are the baby Is suffering from jaundice. If your baby has jaundice do not be alarmed: the condition is common, and can be treated effectively- but if neglected severe jaundice can harm your baby. Causes of Jaundice Jaundice is the…

Baby infections at home – and how to avoid them

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Have you ever been in a restaurant washroom, and noticed someone walk out of the cubicle and head straight out without the slightest indication that they had seen the large hand washing basin beckoning? Or a man who used the urinal, walk to the basin and seem to wash exactly two fingers and a thumb?…

Is your baby ill?

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Your newborn baby is still looking so young and fragile. She is just adapting to life outside the womb, independent of the mother’s body systems. Her body systems however, are not mature enough to fight illness and disease- and that is why your baby needs to be vaccinated against some diseases. Babies born prematurely are more…

Breastfeeding tips

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Mums share their exeperiences ‘My baby is refusing to breastfeed!’ This is a common statement made by first-time mums, after a nurse gives them the baby to breastfeed for the first time. Frustrated and confused, they end up crying. First-time mums must be painfully familiar with this scenario. Esther Wahome who delivered her second child-…

Caring for your baby-the first few days

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Your baby must be immunised, against all the immunisable diseases. This baby is over-dressed!’ exclaimed the doctor, when Joyce took her newborn daughter for a check up, a few weeks after delivery. ‘You see,’ explained the doctor,” a baby is simply a small human being, but with same senses as an older child or an adult.…