Edition Contents
Each BlogSpot edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the features. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!
List of features in this edition
Returning to work after maternity leave – sooo depressed!
I felt like not returning to work after maternity leave. “Do not warm the milk in the microwave.” I told Jane, my house help, for the umpteenth time. I strutted around the house in my kitten heels, anxious, as I debated on whether I indeed wanted to go back to work. Maternity leave had to come…
Vienna Love! – A winter experience
“Mummy there is smoke coming out of my mouth!” The words of my Nyakio when we first stepped out of the airport, into the cold air of Vienna. I didn’t realize how breathing out into the -7 degrees winter air was an event on its own, until I heard the happy squeaks and squeals my…
How to keep your kid at ease with Doctor
How do you introduce new things to your kids? You probably start by talking to them about new situations, or even reading them books about different places or people. You may also play pretend—mimicking what people might say or doing things they might do. You may also tell them that the emotions they have—be they…
Hello Vienna! | Wahu Kagwi
Happy New Year all!! Hope the year has started off well for you!! Me? I’m still slightly hangovered from my holidays, and I know I’m not alone 😉 I must say my holidays were quite different this time round. A beautiful adventure took me out of hot sunny Kenya, into the heart of winter in…
Save your baby from rickets
Vitamin D is essential in promoting absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract, which children need to build strong bones. A deficiency of vitamin D makes it difficult to maintain proper calcium and phosphorus levels in their bones. If the body senses an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the bloodstream, it reacts…
Protect your baby from cigarette smoking
While many pregnant women do not smoke because they understand the dangers of cigarette smoking to their health and their babies, they still find themselves in surroundings that endanger their baby’s or unborn baby’s life. These include smoke from a thick cloud hanging in the air at a favourite restaurant, or a cigarette the spouse…
Who will nurse me after delivery? part 2
Immediately after delivery, most women are not in a position to take care of themselves. At such a time women need a lot of assisting and support. The only person who can adequately help in such a situation is the husband. Men share their take on this issue with Roseline Atieno Adjusting after you have…
Tetanus-death around the corner!
Now that you have your newborn baby, one of your biggest tasks is ensuring that the baby stays free of disease and infection. Your baby should grow up into a strong and healthy person. You can ensure this by giving your child adequate nutrition, having him immunised against certain diseases, preventing other diseases and treating…
Expressing breast milk
There are only two ways by which milk can normally be released from your breasts: by expressing or by breastfeeding. The action of squeezing milk from a breast, is known as expressing breast milk. It can either be manual (by hand) or automated (by an electric pump). Expressing breast milk is an art that you need…
Wake Up, Sir!
You can’t beat around the bush about a crying baby in the night. Simply put, someone has to wake up. Dad, are you willing? Sandra Mulluka explores this topic. A friend of mine recently had a baby and when I went to see her, she was all in tears explaining her frustration with her husband…
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