Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Your Word 36

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Send your mail to The Editor, Babylove, P.O. Box 11463 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya Or send your sms to: +254 722 624174 E-mail: babylove@integral-media.co.ke Only mail or sms with your name, postal address and day-time telephone number can be published. The identity of the writer may be withheld only if requested in writing. The Editor…

Baby breakfast disaster!

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

It was a fine morning, and an energetic Kuria did what he was accustomed to: as he left for work, he passed through where baby Wambui was sleeping, kissed her good bye and then rushed off. He was close to his daughter: he loved her very much. Every evening he made sure he brought his…

My baby could not stop breastfeeding!

By Babylove Network | July 25, 2021

I had planned that when my baby gets to one year and three months,  I would conceive so that by the time she is two years I could have another baby. When I was breastfeeding her I never got my periods, so in a way breastfeeding worked for me as a family planning method. She…


By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

One great way to enrich a cake is to add over-ripe bananas to it. It adds zest to your cake, not to mention nutrients for the kids. Bananas are a good source of potassium, fibre and help maintain sugar levels in the body. A banana cake makes a good accompaniment for breakfast or afternoon snack. One can also use ripe bananas to bake a…

Your Word 30

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

Send your mail to: The Editor, Babylove, P. 0. Box 11463 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Or send your sms to: +254 722 624174 Email: babylove@integral-advisory.co.ke Only mail or sms with your name, postal address and day-time telephone number can be published. The identity of the writer may be withheld only if requested in writing. The…

The best fed baby – HERE ARE SOME TIPS

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Proper upbringing 1. Feeding: Proper food is very important for a child’s’ health. Breastfeeding is considered to be the best source for nutrients supply to the body of the new born child. Breast milk contains colostrums which play a vital role in building up the immune system of the child. This will eventually help in…

Tummy pain – Handling it

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

You have just had dinner and are about to retire to bed. Suddenly, your child curls himself into a ball and starts to cry due to a stomach ache. Or your newborn wakes up at night crying and wincing in pain. It can be worrying for you especially if vomiting and frequent loose stools accompany…

Mum gives everything – and reaps abudantly

By Babylove Network | July 25, 2021

Life has a way of igniting happiness, even in situations when we ask ourselves if it is worth living. But, with the risk of sounding philosophical, I have learnt out of experience as a mother that if we look for something to be appreciative of in life, we are bound to find it. When growing up, I vividly remember how many…

A Date with my Son

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

Is that the time? I think to myself as the clock stares back at me unflinchingly. It is 11 am. I thought it was eight. But I am still tired from last night’s singing. You see, lately, Tebogo has taken to watching television and he seems to love a particular commercial which always leaves him…

Play Time!

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

‘Protecting my baby from infection is one of my greatest responsibilities,’ says Celebrity Mum, Esther Wahome How old is your baby? My baby, Eldad Mureithi, is now 11 months old, and is at the stage of picking anything and putting it in the mouth. Do you allow him to go outside the house? I allow…