Sports during pregnancy

Swimming, cycling, dancing, skating and riding. What do they have in common? Are they a no-no to pregnant women?

Liz Ombati talked to Robert Mwangi,a gym instructor at the New Image Fitness Centre, who have first-hand experience in dealing with exercise for pregnant women.

Robert notes- that there are several sports that a pregnant woman can continue indulging in as long as everything is taken at gentle speed. He advises that you should stop immediately you feel tired. Always remember that once you are out of breath, your baby is also being deprived of oxygen.

It provides an excellent form of “exercise and is one sport you can continue until term. Remember to do it slowly and gently. Never swim if the water is cold as you are more prone to cramp at this time. Swimming can improve your general fitness, while becoming more supple with the support of the water to help you. If you do not swim, you can still do the following exercises:

Cycling movements: With your back to the rail, hold onto it with your arms stretched out straight. Raise your legs and make slow, exaggerated cycling movements with your legs in the water. Keep cycling for some minutes but do not get fatigued.

Body Movements: Facing the rail, put your feet flat against the side of the pool with your knees bent. Move your body from side to side. Stretch your legs out until they are straight out to either side, feet still flat against the side, and repeat the swaying movement.

It will do you no harm but you should discontinue when your abdomen gets large enough to affect your centre of gravity. At this stage you are more likely to lose your balance.

Riding and skating
Ooops! The two are forbidden as it is common knowledge that even the most experienced riders and skaters do fall.

As long as you are energetic and do acrobatics, you can dance all through your pregnancy. It is a good way to practice pelvic tilts.

This should always be your best friend. It provides good exercise so walk as much as you like. Ensure to walk under safe conditions.

END: PG20/49

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