Shy moments 38

Broken Doppler

I was 11 weeks into my pregnancy when I went to precisely listen to my baby’s heartbeat at the clime. I was so excited when I heard and saw the details that the Doppler machine provided I remember laughing really hard. When I went for a check-up the following month, the doctor had a new Doppler. He smiled and thanked me, saying he was now able to get a new Doppler for his office. Apparently, I had broken the speaker of the last one!

Man, I feel a lot better…

I was three months pregnant when my husband and I went out to play pool. I was really excited because we had not spent much time together and playing pool was one of the things we had fun doing. As we navigated traffic that that Friday evening, I got the urge to vomit from no where. Trouble, I didn’t have a place to do it. The urge remained relentless. So, without thinking, I did it in my purse. My husband looked at me in shock and a little disgust, but somehow found it hilarious; he burst out laughing. All I could say was, ‘Man, I feel a lot better.’ He asked if we should go back home and I said no; I was feeling much better.
I planned to get rid of my pukey bag once we got to the pool hall, but then I realized the unmentionable was leaking to my jeans. Another thoughtless moment struck, and I threw my bag into the bush through the car window. I lost my wallet, makeup, pamphlets on pregnancy, panty liners, the keys, a necklace, and other stuff. The only thing that was lucky was my cell phone as it was my pocket at time.
We had a nice evening but I threw up again this time at the right place. My husband remembers it as one of the best evenings we have ever had.

Squirt, squirt

I was still breastfeeding when I went in for my post-partum check-up, at six weeks. To avoid the hustle of carrying the baby around, I pumped some milk for her so she would need me less. Unfortunately, I was kept waiting so long at the clinic that by the time I was called in, my breasts had filled up again. I lay on the check-up bed, as instructed, waiting for the doctor to check my breasts. When he pulled back the sheet, my breasts just started squirting milk everywhere, even on to his glasses. The look on his face said, ‘I have seen it all’. But that could not ease my embarrassment.

END; PG38/45

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