Same script different casts

Florence Karanja’s Baby Number Two (Sweets) is on the way. She is amused that she is going through the same thing, pregnancy, but the events are quite altered. She tells Rebecca Njoki the unique things about each incident.

Frankie-Baby One
So far He is now three. A great buddy who keeps my life on the run.

Sleep The nights were longer. As for the kicks, they were something closer to those of a horse! Very nice

Cravings I would do almost anything to get some meaty stuff.

Shopping I was set at month five.

Work I had to stop at month six. I was prescribed for bead rest because Frankie was in bad condition.

Moods I was more worried than moody.

Best moments Baby kicks. They made me smile even in public

Uncomfortable times When I was waken at night it was so hard to get back to sleep. I did not understand.

Dress code All sassy, neat and good

Most helpful person My mother and my husband, Moses Gichuki. Everyone was on great help though.

EDD Can’t remember very well, but it was just around the doctor’s prediction.

Birth companion My husband

Sweets -Baby Two

So far Quite manageable, though dotted with a number of headaches from four months to seven months and my legs swell. My blood pressure has been down but not threateningly.
Though my life has not changed much. no much weight gain, I am easier psychologically, emotionally and surely socially.

Sleep I sleep much better now than the first time and the baby kicks, are lesser

Cravings No craving! Just little more liking for. first, 5ukuma wiki, and now cakes and sausages-one is never

Quite late. I just finished-at month eight.

Work At month eight, I am comfortably working away in the office

Moods I don’t think I have been getting along very well with a few of my friends. I just hope they understand.

Best moments Baby kicks. I still smile in public when they
even happen.

Uncomfortable times When I am woken at night it is so hard to get back to sleep. I still do not understand. Only it’s a little easier

Dress code All sassy, neat and good

Most helpful person
My mother and my husband, Moses Gichuki. My small brother also helps take care of Frankie for which I am really’ grateful. Everyone has still been of great help.

EDD Let me not reveal it because most of my friends will be reading my story and if it is late by a day they may make me anxious with their concern.

Birth companion I would prefer to have my mother or my sister.

END: PG20/26-27

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