Pregwits 35


1. Childbirth
4. Pregnant

8 The buttocks. A longitudinal lie of the fetus in which the buttocks present in the lower pole of the uterus

10. Disease caused by lack of Vitamin D in the body

II. A mineral that the body needs for strong bones and teeth.

12. The projecting part of the ear lying outside the head

14. A term describing a child who has great difficulty in making personal relationships

15. The junction of two or more bones that facilitates movement

17. The immature ovum

18. An ovum; a female gamete

19. A vessel carrying blood from the capillaries back to the heart

20. An examination or trial


1. Sexual desire

2. The mammary glands are normally two in number situated on the anterior chest wall

3. A lesion of the free surface of the skin or mucous membrane caused by trauma, infection, pressure, or nerve injury

5. An automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus

6. Small infective agent which can only grow and reproduce in living cells and can only be seen with the electron microscope
7. A condition characterized by a double uterus

9. A serious complication of pregnancy characterized by fits, and accompanied by severe hypertension and edema

11. In the condition of a coma

13. Nay

16. The yield  total of anything produced by any functional system of the body

Answers in the next edition of Pregnant.

END: PG35/44

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