Pregwits 30


2 The premature exit of a foetus from the uterus

6 Relating to one side

8 A substance that neutralizes acid

11 A division of the body of an animal

12 The pouch of skin and soft tissues containing the testicles

13 A philosophical approach to health and well-being involving breathing, relaxation and exercise

15 A queasy stomach especially n the first trimester

16 The membrane around the foetus that surrounds the amniotic cavity

17 A large mesh, thin cotton material used for dressing wounds


1 A professional assistant during labour

2 Anything in the environment that is incapable of life

3 A suffix meaning a swelling or a tumour

4 The incision of an ovary

5 The turning of the foetal head or the presenting part of a baby during labour for proper positioning to the pelvic axis

7 The mucous membrane that lines the uterus and it is usually shed as period

9 The delivery of a baby via on incision made in the mother’s abdomen and uterus

10 A pain in the lower back, bullocks and legs caused by pressure of the enlarging uterus on the sciatic nerve

12 A blood stained Discharge at the onset of labour

14 A term that means a disease progressing rapidly and running a short course

answers in the next edition of pregnant magazine


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