Pregwits 29


1 The pigmented area which surrounding the nipple; it darkens during pregnancy

5 A condition resulting from invasion cl She blood stream by bacteria

8 The greasy whitish substance that covers a newborn’s skin

9 A hormone released by the pituitary glands and it augments uterine contractions during labour

13 An iron deficiency common during pregnancy

16 A bundle of fibres in the body that transmits impulses of sensation between the brain or spinal cord and other parts of the body

17 An opening or Hole especially in a bone

19 The absence of menstrual periods, which is among the first indicators of pregnancy


1 The absence of ovulation

2 A baby’s the early stages of development

3 The highest point of something; Climax

4 An escape of blood from its vessel either internally or externally

6 A space or room inside the roof of a building

7 Baby’s first bowel movements to

10 A photograph or an internal structure of me hotly produced by passing electromagnetic waves through the body

11 A manner or the sound of walking; walk carefully

12 Cells lying between ectoderm and entoderm cell layers m the embryo

14 A substance which induces vomiting

15 An unborn offspring in the first eight weeks of development

18 Craving to consume non-food substances with no nutritional value



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