Pregnancy Food No-Nos

A pregnant mother should always ensure that she eats a healthy meal comprising a variety of nutrients drawn from all the food groups—proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. These foods when taken wholesomely by an expectant mum can be beneficial to her and her unborn baby.

Additionally, a pregnant mother must make sure that she avoids all foods that she was allergic to before she got pregnant, regardless of her cravings. In order to avoid health complications, a pregnant woman should ensure that she eats the following foods with caution:

Some fish are low in fat. high in proteins and easily digestible. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids which are vital for the development of the foetus’s brain and vision. However, predator fish including the sword fish, sharks and large tunas usually contain methyl-mercury, which is a poisonous chemical absorbed by the fish while in the water.

When an expectant mother consumes fish with this substance, it is passed on to the growing baby via the placenta and can easily damage the baby’s nervous system or even lead to the baby’s death. Cooking does not help to eliminate this substance from the fish making them generally harmful to eat.

To determine what is safe, look out for fish that are small and live in shallow waters such as tilapia, sardines and the wild pacific.

Cold and undercooked meat and poultry
Usually, undercooked and packed meat contains salmonella and toxoplasmosis. These are bacteria that cause pregnant women to feel nauseous and have fever. They may also result in preterm labour or miscarriages.

There are high chances of the mother passing the bacteria to her developing baby, which might result in the baby developing impaired vision and hearing problems later on in life.

It is,  therefore, important to reheat all cold and packed meat, until it steams, in order to kill harmful bacteria. To avoid further risks of getting in contact with raw meats, all utensils and cutting boards should be washed in warm soapy water.

Some soft cheeses
Avoid cheese that has been made using mould. This is because this kind of cheese is usually less acidic and has moisture, which facilitates the growth of listeria—bacteria that can cause the woman to either have a miscarriage or premature delivery: especially when plenty of it is eaten. The best cheese for pregnant women is the one made from pasteurized milk, cottage cheese and cheese spreads.

Raw eggs
Eggs contain the salmonella bacteria, which are normally killed after lengthy cooking. Salmonella causes food poisoning that results in vomiting and diarrhoea. When a woman is pregnant, her immunity is reduced—this poisoning may. therefore, be severe resulting in dehydration which may harm the growing baby.

To avoid this, the eggs should either be boiled, fried or poached eggs before they are eaten. Ensure that the egg white and the yolk are firm before consuming the egg. Also, avoid egg products such as mayonnaise and some ice creams because they contain raw eggs.

Liver contains iron, folic acid and Vitamin A. These nutrients are needed for the healthy development of the foetus. However, regular consumption may result in the body having high amounts of Vitamin A. which might eventually harm the unborn baby. Therefore, the consumption of liver should be minimized to at most once or twice a week.

Additionally, a pregnant mother must make sure that she avoids all foods that she was allergic to before she got pregnant, regardless of her cravings.


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