Preggy beauty – the 12 commandments

Tall, short, plumb – beauty cones in all shapes and sizes. You may have found hopelessly in pursuit of the sometimes evasive beauty. Then off you run for the clothes, shoes, bags and all to cover up for your discontentment. Here is the story, you cannot be contentedly beautiful until you develop an appreciation of you!

1. Celebrate your pregnancy. Negative speech is the root of myriad of physical and emotional sickness and disease. ‘As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs: 23:7) You become who you think and continually say you are. You cannot afford to spend the 40-week term feeling like the ugly ducking. Tenetra Clemons, a radio worker in Dallas, said: “Stay positive and realise that pregnancy is a miracle that God has blessed you with. Be thankful that you are able to bring a new life into the world, and that should make you look and feel great.”

2. Wear minimum make-up. Heard about the glow? Pregnancy does do that. So, you may not need much makeup.

On the flip side, you could be having acne due to the pregnancy’s volatile hormonal changes. Fashion and beauty guru, Bobbi Brown, comments: “For many women, pregnancy is a time when their bodies do not feel like their own. Makeup can be used as a tool to feel pretty and in control. In fact, one of the biggest beauty mistake pregnant women can make is opting out of makeup altogether…Don’t be tempted to pile on the foundation in an attempt to erase all traces of tiredness. It simply won’t work. First, get your skin in order by using by using a gentle exfoliator. Then, opt for a sheer, tinted moisturizer or a light-reflective foundation. To hide any blemishes, try a concealer.” The good news is that once the body’s hormonal levels even out, the acne usually disappears.

3. Look great. Clothing should be comfortable and well- fitting with allowances for expansion, to accommodate thy growing bump. It should also be attractive and stylish. There is a whole range of fashionable clothing for pregnant mums available in stoles. Do not look sloppy.

Care for thy feet. Look for shoes with low, solid, cushiony heels-one or two inches high. Anything higher is an abomination, you know. Then regularly pamper and treat yourself to professional pedicure and massage. You deserve it!

4. Wash thy hair. Ensure your hair is clean and tidy by washing and deeply conditioning it at east every two weeks. Avoid wearing extensions, wigs, waves and braids longer than a month. That not only cuts your hair, but also makes you feel weary too. Try a variety of hairstyles that bring out the vibrant you.

5. Sleep beautifully. Eight hours of sleep is recommended. Sleep early and rise up early enough to handle the day’s events with less anxiety. If sleep is interrupted by muscular leg cramps, massage the cramped area vigorously and apply heat to it to relax muscles. A rested body glows.

6. Bath and soothe your skin. One to two baths with mild fragrant soap is a most daily. Seek medical attention if you are having skin breakouts, acne and blotchiness. Check with your doctor before using anything medicinal.

To deal with stretch marks, massage the abdomen regularly with olive oil Don’t scratch the affected areas as this will leave scratch marks afterwards.

As part of your breast feeding-plan, prepare your nipples from the sixth month onwards.Once daily, draw out each nipple by gently pressing your thumb and index finger down on either side of the nipples and gently rob them out. After each nipple stands out, massage it well with a little olive oil. Wear a well-fitting brassier to ensure your breasts don’t become flabby as a result of nursing.

7. Eat and drink right .The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that pregnant mums eat low fat, and low salt diets that are not rich in Folic acid. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Foods high in fat, spices, salt and sugar aggravate swelling in the feet, ankles, logs, finger, and face (oedema). Rather than big meals that cause heartburn and flatulence, eat smaller meal sat regular intervals.

Stop consuming alcoholic beverages, tobacco and recreational drugs, which are hazardous for you and your baby. Always check with your doctor before taking over-the-counter medications, prescriptions and herbal supplements Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. Water not only aids digestion, but also keeps your skin supple. Inadequate water intake will show through dullness and dryness of your face.

8. Exercise regularly Frequent walking, swimming and water aerobics help keen you healthy. To soothe sore or swollen limbs, constantly sketch out your legs end keep them slightly raised or propped up whenever you sit Seek medical advice before you embark on any exercise programme.

9. Maintain your sex life Many women shy away or totally abstain from sex during a greater part of their pregnancy. Yet many men find well-groomed pregnant women sexy. Clearly communicate your sexual needs with your spouse. Learn to relax and enjoy the moments.

10. Relax! Take time to pull away from work and routines. Shut down your computer, put your feet up. read a book, listen to music, spend time alone. Rest In between meetings at work and nap as often as possible. Learn to politely but firmly say NO to social events you don’t really want to attend.

11. Accept help. Have a reliable house-help to help you with the house chores. Also accept help From family and friends. Train your spouse to help you around and taking care of the baby when he/she finally comes. Bonding will be much easier for all of you— if you do this.

12. Gone are the days when pregnancy was an excuse to look and feel bad. Put the 12 commandments into play and be the beauty queen you have been searching for!

END: PG38/34-35

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