One of my own

Elizabeth Karoki has always loved babies and wanted to have her own since she was in campus. Now that she is expectant, she loves every day of it as she waits to have the baby. Best of all, her elder sister is expectant too.

Even before I did the test at my friend’s home, I suspected that I was expectant. So when the two lines presented on the test kit, the jubilation was not as much from me as it was from my friend. I have had no complications or cravings; just a longing to take a lot of water. I also have developed a liking to watermelon, though I cannot categorically state it as a craving.

More focus in life 
I have become more focused and mature. With all the appreciation and support from my partner, family and friends, I cannot complain. It has surely felt wonderful to be pregnant. It cannot get better. I have also become more prayerful than before. Of late, I have become impatient feelings. I detest waiting. If I want something done, I want it to happen promptly. I have learnt to appreciate that it is God who is in charge, therefore it is a privilege to have every breathe we take.

Having an expectant sister
When I learnt that Josephine, my elder sister was expecting, I was not surprised. She had expressed a desire not to space her children far apart and she already has a one year old daughter. So I expected that she would spring up news that she was expecting her second baby any time. I am ahead of her with about five months. It feels good to have someone with whom you can share similar experiences with. Also the fact that she has been pregnant before makes her an easy resource from where I can learn from

However, I would not say that this has made me closer to her than before. If anything, I have developed a closer bond with our other sister (we are three girls).

Did Josephine’s first baby instigate you to wanting your own? 
I have always loved babies. When Josephine got her first baby, I would go to her house frequently, just to spend the day with her baby. Even when I was in campus I would say that I wanted a baby in my last year in school; then I would shift the thought to having after school but before I started working. That is actually what happened because immediately I finished school I conceived.

I have two dates, 13th and 14th of September. I would not consider my sister as a birth partner even if she is more experienced because from what I have heard, the experience is unsightly. I would not want to subject her to seeing me in labour when she is expectant. I will instead pick my sister- in-law since she is a nurse.

Best moment 
The baby’s kicking, especially when I am in the shower always makes me smile. I think the baby gets the relaxing feeling that comes from taking a bath too.

It is difficult to find a suitable position to sleep in. I long to lie on my stomach or back but then I am incapable of doing that for now. From what I read, sleeping on my back strains my backbone and cuts supply of blood to the baby. As for the stomach, well, the bump cannot allow me to face down. I am attending classes currently and so I will be sitting for exams in November. This disturbs me because I will have to leave my baby when he is barely two months old. However, knowing this has given me focus because I know I have to read now. I do not have time to relax.

END: PG 26 /22-23

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