Mja Mzito Journals 46

A pleasant shock -Evelyn Nyakio

My fiancé and I had not planned to get pregnant but we did. In fact, because of my naivety. I learnt that I was pregnant at two months and even then, it was my partner’s sister — who was also pregnant — that urged me to have a pregnancy test. It turned out positive. I was surprised and shocked… I cried.

Since then, though, I have received support from my family and friends.

I have taken ‘lessons’ from a friend who is also a new mum. Thanks to her and her baby, changing diapers will be child’s play for me. Since I am not very good with food (eating), my partner’s sister calls me often to find out how I am doing as far as eating is concerned

My partner, William, and I are ready for either boy or girl. But if you press us to really say our preference, he says a boy and I say a girl.

He has suggested four names from which we will eventually zero in on if our baby is a girl. He asked me to suggest the boy names.

I have been attending clinic regularly; in fact more than regularly as I have been visiting two. One is a new maternity hospital near my home and the other is an established hospital where my fiance’s medical cover allows us to go. My mum is a retired nurse and it was she who advised me to be attending both clinics. I suppose a second opinion is good.

My office work has not been affected by my new status and I hope it remains that way until I take leave. I suspect my colleagues have been going easy on me.

My boss too has been very kind, he called me in one day and told me to feel free to ask for time off or leave whenever necessary.

My colleagues are wonderful!


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