Love massage

Massage usually relaxes and provides relief. It is a way of making, you feel good and it improves your, mood and improves good blood circulation within baby.

To totally achieve that, consider the following…

Mum tips

❖ Let there be constant communication between you and the person doing the massage so that you can say when the proper pressure is applied and when it should be reduced.

❖ Relax your muscles so that they can unknot.

❖ Be in a well ventilated room and put on soft soothing music

❖ Rest a bit after the massage session to avoid falling because you may feel light-headed immediately after that.

❖ Turn off your phone and allow quality and quiet time from the cares of the world for the while as you get the massage.

Masseur tips

❖ Trim and keep your nails short for more effective massage.

❖ As a masseur, use unscented oils since pregnant mothers have a dislike to strong scents.

Do not
Mum tips

❖ Go for a massage if you are bleeding or having any discharge, high blood pressure, diabetes, abdominal pain or any complication that requires you to be on bed rest

❖ Continue if you are feeling any discomfort or pain

❖ Eat a heavy meal before lying on the massage table as it will make you uncomfortably full and bloated. If you do, give yourself at least an hour before the session starts.

Masseur tips

❖ Wear jewelry and a watch as the masseur. This can hurt the person’s back or make a distracting noise

❖ Apply direct and prolonged pressure on the area between the ankle-bone and heel because this area is considered as relating to the uterus and the vagina. Thus, if a lot of pressure is applied, it can promote premature labour.


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