Labour and delivery journal

Nelson Ngaara
‘My wife, Anne Irungu, used to be very active before she got pregnant,’ says Nelson Ngaara. ‘She would dance and sing around the house but after she became pregnant she slowed down and become quiet. She would read materials from the internet and magazines about pregnancy. She also became very keen about children.’

The Pregnancy – ‘I missed my menses, which was not unusual, but then I felt laziness, acidity and abdominal pain. When I told my husband, Nelson, that I was not feeling well, he asked me to go to the chemist for a pregnancy test. It turned positive, and I cried, I don’t know whether out of joy or shock. My husband was shocked but he comforted me. After that the reality dawned on me-I was excited I was going to have a baby!

The Delivery – I wanted a boy because my husband already has a girl, Shirlene Wanjiku (14) who is our first child. Leon Ngaara, was born on 20th May by Caesarean section. We would have wanted a normal delivery but then we had to accept God’s will. The little handsome one is the blessing we have been waiting for. Thanks and praise be to God.

Anne Irungu
My pregnancy seemed to be very short. I enjoyed being pregnant. My baby was due on 3rd of May, but she came early-on 18 April. I didn’t intend to go through induction again, but I did. At some point I wanted to go for a Caesarean section. The pain was so much, I had dilated 8 centimetres and I was being told not to push because the baby was still far inside.

Isabella Njerese
I’m happy that the whole process of giving birth is over and done with. At 3.7 kilograms, Emmy Akoth was born a big baby girl. I’m also happy that at least she is not a copy of her dad, like her sister, who has also been waiting impatiently for her arrival and is now happy at long last. She has been getting mad at people who keep asking her if mummy has brought a baby.

All in all, I thank God because of the safe journey. With my first child, my husband learnt through a text message that I had had a baby boy,

My husband works abroad and he still wasn’t around for our second child’s delivery. Sedena Amor, our beautiful girl, was born on 19 February. I have gotten used to the whole idea of him being away. I wanted this baby to be a girl, though if it had been a boy I would still have accepted it because it is God who gives.

My husband really wanted a girl, maybe it’s because my son is so protective of me; he doesn’t want to see my husband touch me or talk loudly to me. I’m happy that I will have finished giving birth whilst I’m still young-though my husband still wants a third baby.

END: PG 07 / 44

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